rotc blackboard army mil

by Heath Murphy 10 min read

What is a ROTC blackboard used for?

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Does ROTC prepare you for the Army?

USAREC outlines measures to increase inclusivity in recruiting March 14, 2022. McConnell staffer tours Fort Knox, briefed on Cadet Summer Training, V Corps April 8, 2022. Maneuver Center of ...

What does ROTC do for you in the military?

Cadets accessing into the US Army Reserve (USAR) must obtain a Vacancy Hold Request (VHR) from the USARC G1 IMT to identify a valid unit vacancy and request their branch. The HRA will process the request through Human Resources Command (HRC) to assign the branch and unit. This process can take up to 30-45 days.

What is the latest you can join Army ROTC?

MILPER 20-202 - Amendment 1 FY21 U.S. Army Human Resources Command Professor Of Military Science (PMS) Centralized Selection Panel – (COL/LTC/MAJ) For any questions please contact: PMS Manager. Phone: (502) 624-5718. Email: [email protected]. Brigade contacts are listed below:


What is the Army Partnership for Youth Success?

The US Army Partnership for Youth Success (PaYS) program is an enlistment option and recruiting initiative. The Army signs a Memorandum of Agreement with a cross section of private industry, academia, businesses, and state and local public institutes. Future Soldiers and ROTC Cadets are guaranteed a job interview and possible employment with their chosen PaYS partner, while in the Army Reserve/Guard or after the Army. This unique Program provides America's youth with the unique opportunity to simultaneously serve their country and prepare for their future. Corporations, companies, and public sector agencies that sign the PaYS partnership agreement and incorporated into the community-based grassroots programs and are informed and motivated Centers of Influence (COIs).

What is SMP in the Army?

Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) The SMP gives eligible enlisted members of the ARNG and USAR an opportunity to maintain status in their Reserve Component while simultaneously attending college and participating as a contracted Cadet in the ROTC Program working towards a Commission as an Officer. The SMP offers on-the-job training, reinforces ...

What is GRFD scholarship?

The GRFD scholarship program is designed for Cadets who are interested in obtaining a commission as an officer in the Army National Guard (ARNG) or US Army Reserve (USAR) with a guarantee for a Reserve Component (RC) assignment.

How long does it take to get into the Army National Guard?

This process can take up to 30-45 days. Cadets accessing into the Army National Guard (ARNG) must work with their preferred State to find a vacancy in their desired Branch and obtain a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from the State Officer Strength Manager (OSM). This process can take up to 30-45 days.

What is the GI Bill?

The term GI Bill refers to any Department of Veterans Affairs education benefit earned by members of Active Duty, Selected Reserve and National Guard Armed Forces and their families. The benefit is designed to help servicemembers and eligible veterans cover the costs associated with getting an education or training.

FY22 PMS Board Information

The FY22 PMS Board will convene 9 – 13 August 2021 at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

MILPER Messages

The MILPER Messages have not been completed, however when they are published you can see the messages by logging into the MILPER message website at with either your CAC or your AKO credentials.
