'richmond university'' ''blackboard learn''

by Carlo Watsica 6 min read

What is the University of Richmond known for?

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What are the best schools in Richmond VA?

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Who was the Chancellor of the University of Richmond?

The University of Richmond is a highly ranked liberal arts university offering an extraordinary combination of the liberal arts with law, business, leadership studies, and continuing education. The university is consistently named a "best value" in higher education by leading publications.


Go mobile with Blackboard

Blackboard supports mobile use on Android and Apple. Find instructions and links to download the free app at the How to Use Mobile Learn page. Once the app is downloaded, search for “Washington State University Blackboard Learn.” (If you search simply “Washington State University”, you’ll get the app for the previous system, Angel.)

Angel to be replaced in January by better online course system: Blackboard Learn

Beginning Spring 2015 semester, WSU Global Campus courses will move from Angel to a new learning management system (LMS) called Blackboard Learn. This LMS is more streamlined, better integrates with third party programs, and offers mobile capabilities unavailable on Angel.
