recovering a draft in blackboard

by Audrey Langworth 8 min read

Part of a video titled Recover draft thread in a Blackboard discussion (for students)
When you create a thread in blackboard. You can save it as a draft. If you're not ready or if youMoreWhen you create a thread in blackboard. You can save it as a draft. If you're not ready or if you accidentally hit save as draft. There.

How long should I back up and restore Blackboard Learn?

This video shows you how to recover a thread that was set as a draft.

How do I edit or delete a draft post?

Access the Display menu and select Drafts Only to view the saved post. Select the draft's title to open the Thread page. While you view your post, point to it to view Edit and Delete. Select Edit to open the editor. After you make your updates, select Save Draft again to update the draft or Submit to publish the post.

How do I view my drafts in the Forum?

What happens to custom folders during a blackboard upgrade?

How do I get back a saved draft on Blackboard?

To access your drafts, return to the forum page and set it to List View. Access the Display menu and select Drafts Only to view the saved post. Select the draft's title to open the Thread page. While you view your post, point to it to view Edit and Delete.

Can blackboard see drafts?

Drafts Only: A thread saved by any user that is not published to the forum but can be edited and then published for everyone to see. Posts in draft mode are only visible to the person who wrote them.

Where did my draft go?

Have you completed the email and sent it ? If yes, then the draft will be deleted from the 'Drafts' folder and you should find a copy of the sent email in the 'Sent' folder. The saved Draft is a copy of an unsent message that is in the process of being created.Sep 29, 2018

How do I find my draft?

Tap on the Posts & Stories icon at the bottom of the screen and then tap on the arrow drop down next to the Published, select “Drafts.” At this point, you should see a list of all the drafts you've saved. To post, schedule or delete a draft, tap on the three vertical dots.Feb 6, 2022

System backup and recovery

Administrators should backup the database and file system according to the needs of the Institution. Blackboard Learn supports full backup and restores at the operating system and database levels. As a general rule, daily backups should be kept for two weeks, as errors may not appear for several days.

Incremental data protection

Blackboard Learn includes the following utilities for incrementally backing up individual courses and organizations:

Avoiding recovery of files during upgrade

During a Blackboard Learn upgrade, items such as custom folders and archived snapshots that are stored directly beneath the blackboard_home directory are moved to a time-stamped backup directory. Customized files and folders that are not Blackboard-owned will be considered unexpected and moved to the backup directory.

Can you upload a file from a course?

You may also be allowed to upload a file from the course's file repository: the Content Collection . If you upload a file from your computer, it won't be saved to the Content Collection. Select Save Draft to store a draft of the post or select Submit to publish your thread. More on the Content Collection.

Can you create a new thread in a discussion forum?

Based on the forum settings your instructor selected , you may be allowed to create a new thread. If your instructor has associated a rubric with the discussion forum or thread and made it available to you, you can view grading criteria before you start.

System Backup and Recovery

  • Administrators should backup the database and file system according to the needs of the Institution. Blackboard Learn supports full backup and restores at the operating system and database levels. As a general rule, daily backups should be kept for two weeks, as errors may not appear for several days. Recovery plans should include how to restore th...
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Incremental Data Protection

  • Blackboard Learnincludes the following utilities for incrementally backing up individual courses and organizations: 1. Export/Import: Export takes course content and puts it in a package that can be used in another course at a later date. One or more course areas can be included in the package. 2. Archive/Restore: The Archive Course function creates a record of the course includi…
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Avoiding Recovery of Files During Upgrade

  • During a Blackboard Learn upgrade, items such as custom folders and archived snapshots that are stored directly beneath the blackboard_home directory are moved to a time-stamped backup directory. Customized files and folders that are not Blackboard-owned will be considered unexpected and moved to the backup directory. To avoid your customized non-Blackboard-owne…
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