product manager blackboard

by Marianna Gaylord PhD 3 min read

Jim Chalex -

Solutions Engineer

Provide expert-level knowledge and proficiency in Blackboard products including their functionality, application, administration, and deployment methodologies#N#Create account value proposals that relate Blackboard solutions to customers’ strategic goals and initiatives with all clients#N#Manage and deliver high-quality technical validation events (demonstrations, evaluations, pilots) to include tailoring the solution, configuration, and data to support customer….

Web Administrator

Manage the NEISD web environment design, deployment, development and maintenance activities.#N#Manage the NEISD App, it's redesign and promotion.#N#Developed board approved guides on district’s digital footprint such as the style guide, digital strategy, social media guide and SEO strategy.#N#Develop and maintain training material and facilitate training sessions for 300+ web editors.#N#Perform testing and quality assurance of 80+ district websites, Intranet, and all….

Director of Digital Marketing

As the Director of Digital Marketing, I develop and measure integrated social, SEO, SEM, email, and content marketing strategies for Public Alliance clients.

Lead Web Developer

Contracted as the Developer for Leadhub, I manage and develop all web development projects. I#N#facilitate any necessary content integration to build client SEO. I update and maintain#N#current websites and manage all hosting and migration. I also develop custom work for#N#Leadhub and lead on new project implementation.

Marketing Director

Contracted to lead training for SPOT POS system for all employees and management. Developed social media, email and in-store campaigns for the year. Developed website and online tools for franchise, Comet Cleaners. Directed and coordinated policy and development of home, office and#N#commercial delivery department.

Social Media Manager

Post campaign specific messages, stories, promotions, pictures and videos for various clients' blogs, newsletters, and other social media platforms. Moderate social media sites and approve/engage in public comment areas.

Systems Analyst

Maintained and developed tables within oracle database for all student modules to#N#include the class schedule, student grades, and registration for undergraduate, graduate,#N#phd, and professional students. I processed all student data requested by the Department#N#of Education.
