prince george's county community college blackboard

by Prof. Misael Vandervort 7 min read

Why Prince George's Community College?

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How many online courses does Prince George’s Community College offer?

Prince George's Community College is a place where anyone can achieve their professional, educational, and personal goals. Our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and partners help make the college an exceptional place to learn and grow. Get to know the people who positively impact the college community and contribute to the college's goals of student success, regional impact, …

Who is PGCC?

eLearning Methods at PGCC The College’s online course management system, Blackboard, makes it easy for students in all of our courses to stay on track by communicating with their professors, submitting completed assignments, accessing …

What does the Prince George’s County Education Authority do?

Go to the Prince George's Community College Blackboard Web site which is located at. NOTE: There is no “www” in the Blackboard address. ALL STUDENTS must login to Blackboard using their . Owl Link. account. Once you have your Owl Link account information, type it in the Blackboard login box at


How do I log into Pgcc blackboard?

Accessing Smarthinking through PGCC is simple: Log in to Blackboard: using your Blackboard username and password (same as Owl Link)

Is Pgcc still online?

Prince George's Community College offers 10 degrees, four certificate programs, and more than 300 online courses that can be completed online.

Is Pgcc online or in person?

Recruitment and Admissions, advising, financial aid and more are available for in-person student services. For a full list of available services, you can visit the Student Services webpage at 11.

Are Pgcc classes online?

Online courses allow you to explore personal or professional development, update your skills, discover a new talent, or chart a career path----at your convenience, using your computer.

What are remote classes at Pgcc?

In online classes, students learn on their own time; remote classes meet in real time online; and hybrid classes combine online/remote and face-to-face instruction.

Are community colleges free?

If you meet income standards and other requirements, community college can be tuition-free. However, not all community colleges take part in the California College Promise program, and not all students qualify for waivers and grants.Nov 16, 2021

Is the track at Pgcc open?

The track is open to the public from 7 am to midnight. Novak Field House (gym) is not available for public use.

Is Pgcc a person?

The College's return to in-person services and learning is informed by its COVID-19 metrics and will be executed in a manner that aligns with CDC, state of Maryland, and county guidelines.Apr 14, 2021

Is Harford Community College free?

Students at Harford Community College are charged tuition according to their residency. A student's residency is determined at the time of admission to the College.

How many degrees does Prince George's Community College offer?

Prince George’s Community College offers 10 degrees, four certificate programs, and more than 300 online courses that can be completed online. Course Schedule.

What is hybrid class?

Students taking a hybrid class will engage in a combination of online/remote and face-to-face instruction. Students will complete their work assignments, discussions, research, and projects online at a flexible pace with the benefit of some scheduled face-to-face class time with professors and fellow students. Learn more

Top Ranking for Criminal Justice Program

PGCC ranked 5th best online associate program in Criminal Justice by Best Value Schools. The ranking is based on overall quality of the Criminal Justice program, value and adaptability to the workforce.

Special Saturday Registration

Virtual services only offered August 14 and August 21, from 9 a.m to 1 p.m. Virtual and in-person appointments are available for many other student services throughout the week.


"I didn’t expect to go to college since I got pregnant at a young age, so it’s been amazing that I can have that example for my son."


"The College helped me get closer to my goals by providing me with the education and all the tools that I would need to move a step up."

How many subscribers does PGCC have?

Our award-winning cable channel is operated by the College and available to more than 750,000 cable subscribers. Students are actively involved in all phases of video production, and some students have produced their own programs. Learn more about PGCC TV.

What is African American Studies Institute?

The African American Studies Institute engages in digital outreach, educational programs, research and community partnerships for meaningful cultural, social, and political participation of people of African descent. Connect with us.

What is the Center for the Performing Arts?

Center for the Performing Arts. The Center for the Performing Arts featurs three large theater spaces, educational technology labs, and an art gallery. It also offers production labs for radio, television, and film broadcast. It’s happening here!

Is Prince George's Community College a nonprofit?

The Prince George's Community College Foundation is a nonprofit organization for the charitable and educational purposes of furthering programs, facilities, and opportunities at Prince George's Community College. Learn how you can donate to make a difference.

Credit Programs and Courses

Credit programs include all associate degrees and certificates. Prince George’s Community College offers four degree and career programs:

Continuing Education Programs and Courses

Continuing Education programs and courses provide opportunities for professional or personal enrichment.

New Student Enrollment Steps

New to PGCC? Check out the new student enrollment steps for your step-by-step checklist. Admissions representatives are available in-person and online.

Apply Now

Your first move toward a degree or learning goal is exciting, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

Advising Help

Our advisors can assist you with making informed academic decisions and selections. They can also direct you to additional support systems and resources.

Click here to view a short video to help you get started

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Getting Help & FAQs

On every page of the catalog there is a Help button and you may also access this guide, Supplemental FAQ Guide , for answers to common questions.
