portal cuny edu blackboard

by Callie Keebler 4 min read

How do I log in to CUNY blackboard?

The CUNY Portal has been decommissioned. All applications, services, information and links previously available on the CUNY Portal have been migrated to other sites such as the CUNY Technology Services page. Please contact your campus help desk if you need assistance with a specific application or service.

What is my CUNY login username and password?

ONLY enter your CUNY Login password on CUNY Login websites (ssologin.cuny.edu and login.cuny.edu). NEVER share it with others or enter your CUNY Login password elsewhere without the approval of your campus IT department. More information on CUNY’s policies regarding user accounts and credentials can be found in the Acceptable Use of Computer ...

How do I log in to Blackboard?

If you do not already have a CUNYfirst account, please come to any one of the following areas below where a staff member will assist you in creating an account. Log in to Blackboard with your CUNYfirst User ID and Password Format: [email protected]. You must login via the CUNY Home Page at https://www.cuny.edu

What resources should faculty find useful on the blackboard website?

Aug 26, 2020 · For example, if you log into CUNYfirst as 'george.washington76', you will log into Blackboard as [email protected]. Blackboard, DegreeWorks, FACTS and CUNYfirst will albe accessible via CUNY Login page. Please feel free to contact Blackboard support with questions, concerns, or your thoughts on migration to Unified Login ...


How do I access Blackboard on CUNYfirst?

Type in your CUNYfirst username & password and click Log in. You can also access Blackboard by visiting the school website at http://www.citytech.cuny.edu. Hover mouse over QUICKLINKS and click Blackboard under Logins. It will take you to CUNY Applications Login Page.

How do I log into CUNY portal?

How to log into cunyfirstGo to home.cunyfirst.cuny.edu.Enter your cuny username.Then, enter your password.Click on “Log In” to access your portal.Don't forget to log out of your account.

What is CUNY portal account?

The CUNY Portal is a gateway to CUNY applications, services, and other CUNY college web sites, and can be accessed from the CUNY home page. The CUNY Portal uses an active faculty member's personnel record to build a unique username and password during the registration process.

Is CUNY portal the same as CUNYfirst?

CUNY Accounts (CUNY Portal and CUNYfirst) and Hunter College Accounts (Email and NetID) This walkthrough and its screenshots are specific to students. Faculty and Staff can also follow the same instructions. The only difference will be selecting "Faculty" or "Staff" rather than "Current Student" on Step 3.

How do I make a cuny portal account?

Step 1 – Go to www.cuny.edu and click on Portal Log-in/Blackboard/eSims on the left hand side of the screen. Step 2 – Click on Register for New Account, which appears under Portal Log-In. Step 3 – Click on Student under New User Registration. Then, click Next.

How do I access cuny self service?

STEP# 1: Login to CUNYfirst at https://home.cunyfirst.cuny.edu. STEP# 2: Select HR/Campus Solution from the left menu. STEP# 3: Navigate to Self Service followed by Student Center.

How do I access my cuny student email?

Go to www.office.com, click on Sign In. 2. Type in your email address: CUNYFirst [email protected] 3. Type in your CUNYFirst password, click on Sign in.

How do I find my cuny ID number?

How can students view their 8 Digit CUNYfirst ID (Emplid) and email in CUNYfirst?Login to CUNYfirst at https://home.cunyfirst.cuny.edu. ... Go to Student Center from the left menu. ... In the Student Center header, they can view their 8 Digit CUNYfirst ID (EmplID)More items...

How do I access my cuny email from City Tech?

How do I access my City Tech email?Students, you can access your email from the Microsoft Office 365 email login page. ... If you can't log in, contact the Help Desk on the first floor of the Atrium Building, at 718-260-4900, or [email protected] and staff, you can log in to your email here.

Can I edit my cuny application?

Can students make changes after submitting the application? Yes, for certain changes. After an application is submitted, students will still be able to log into the application to upload documents, request recommendation letters and submit payment.

How do I log into BMCC blackboard?

The best way to access Blackboard is by navigating to the BMCC home page and selecting the “Log In” drop-down to access the Blackboard. All of your online courses are on the Blackboard LMS. Many in-person classes also use Blackboard for student interaction.

How do I know if I got accepted to cuny?

Go to https://home.cunyfirst.cuny.edu. Enter your username and password. Once you are logged in, on the left hand side under “CUNYfirst Menu” click 'Student Center' Scroll down to the 'Admissions' section and click 'View Details'