piedmontcc edu blackboard

by Mandy Bechtelar V 7 min read

How do I contact Piedmont Community College?

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Why Piedmont Community College – your hometown college?

Call (336) 322-2138 or email [email protected]. See technical requirements for Blackboard here. Electronic Forms (TEAMia) Easily access the various student request forms. Self Service Register online, check out course options, review your financial aid, access your student information – all right here! Tutoring

Is Piedmont Community College accredited in North Carolina?

Operating System and Network. Windows: Windows XP or higher and a high-speed Internet connection. Macintosh: Mac OS X.6 or higher and a high-speed Internet connection. Note: Depending on the use of streaming media, interactive multimedia, or other content in the individual courses, you might need additional hardware/software or browser plug-ins.

How do I sign up for Blackboard?

Get a quality education while saving money at Piedmont Community College – Your Hometown College! ... Piedmont Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non ...
