operation blackboard slideshare

by Albin Batz 3 min read

What is known as Operation Blackboard?

Answer: Operation Blackboard is a centrally funded program that was launched in 1987 soon after the 1986 Rajiv Gandhi National Education Policy was released to provide all primary schools in the nation with the minimum required necessary services.

What programs were on the Operation Blackboard?

Answer: The programs like making the funds available to help improve the standard of the schools and to fulfill minimum educational needs such as at least 2 proper classrooms ,one of the two teachers to be female, black board, maths ,laboratory apparatus ,small library, a playground ,sports equipment ,etc .Jan 22, 2018

When was Operation Blackboard started in India?

The scheme was started in 1988-89 and in the first round 3,294 posts of primary teachers were created and 8,100 schools were provided with the material. For this purpose, expenditure of Rs. 23.23 crore and Rs. 4.90 crore was made respectively.

Why was the Operation Blackboard introduced by the central Government?

17 The scheme of Operation Blackboard was launched in 1987 in pursuance of NPE-POA, to provide minimum essential facilities to all primary schools in the country.

When did Ncert established?

1961National Council of Educational Research and Training / FoundedThe National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is an autonomous organisation set up in 1961 by the Government of India to assist and advise the Central and State Governments on policies and programmes for qualitative improvement in school education.

WHO recommended Operation Blackboard?

Operation Blackboard is a nationally sponsored programme that began in 1987 directly after the publication of the Rajiv Gandhi National Education Policy (NPE) in 1986 to provide the bare minimum critical facilities to all elementary schools in the country.

What is the characteristics of Operation Blackboard?

The major policy plank to improve school quality was Operation Blackboard, a centrally sponsored scheme which laid down, for the first time, the minimum criteria of a primary school: two rooms, two teachers (one of them preferably female), and a set of 'minimum essential' teaching learning aids (TLA) (NPE 1986).

What are the objectives of SUPW?

In addition to developing individual skills, SUPW aims to help develop among the students the habit to work as a community, encourage community thinking, increase awareness of scientific advancement and develop a scientific outlook.