openurl blackboard

by Otis Reinger DVM 10 min read

How do I use the OpenURL service?

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What information does an OpenURL contain?

In conjunction with Northwestern University in the United States, Blackboard created an open-source building block or Ref Works Bridge Extension allowing Blackboard customers to provide one-click access from Blackboard to Ref Works databases ( Ref Works-COS, 2009b ).

How are OpenURL links presented in a record field?

CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): Blackboard systems are not new technology. The first blackboard system, the Hearsay-II speech understanding system [1], was developed nearly twenty years ago. While the basic features of Hearsay-II remain in today’s blackboard systems, numerous advances and enhancements have …

Can I use OpenURL to look up metadata?

Open Blackboard: Use It: Other Collections: Sino:bit Chinese Character Bitmapper, Processing. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.


What format is OpenURL?

OpenURL may be used to retrieve metadata records by setting the redirect parameter to “false”. By default an OpenURL response uses the XSD XML format. The UNIXREF format may be requested by setting the format parameter to “unixref”.

Do I need to include my email address in OpenURL?

You need to include your email address in the pid parameter of the OpenURL request. Note that pid is not the same as PID ( persistent identifier, such as a DOI or an ORCID iD). For interfaces that require a key, your email address is your key.

What format is OpenURL?

OpenURL may be used to retrieve metadata records by setting the redirect parameter to “false”. By default an OpenURL response uses the XSD XML format. The UNIXREF format may be requested by setting the format parameter to “unixref”.

Do I need to include my email address in OpenURL?

You need to include your email address in the pid parameter of the OpenURL request. Note that pid is not the same as PID ( persistent identifier, such as a DOI or an ORCID iD).

What is OpenURL 1.0?

The OpenURL 1.0 protocol is a generalization of the OpenURL 0.1 protocol used to solve the appropriate-copy problem for scholarly publications. The goal of this implementation is to support the full range of abstractions present in the 1.0 specification that takes it far beyond its 0.1 roots.

What is OOMREF J?

OOMRef-J has used as the framework for LANL’s djatoka and OCLC’s WorldCat Registry. The former stretches OpenURL beyond its scholarly content roots to deliver an image server along with a variety of image processing services.


A URL (Universal Resource Locator). UIKit supports many common schemes, including the http, https, tel, facetime, and mailto schemes. You can also employ custom URL schemes associated with apps installed on the device.

Return Value

true if the resource located by the URL was successfully opened; otherwise false.


The URL you pass to this method can identify a resource in the app that calls the method, or a resource to be handled by another app. If the resource is to be handled another app, invoking this method might cause the calling app to quit so the other can launch.
