online discussion board examples

by Mrs. Karina Graham 10 min read

Some examples: At the beginning of the week, you may jump in and ask students what was the highlight of their weekend. Or, if you see a news story that connects to the course content in some way, post a link and ask students to weigh in. You may decide to post a picture of your pet and ask to see pictures of your students’ pets.

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How do you reply to a discussion board?

Apr 06, 2014 · Discussion Board Examples From Online Course Syllabi Example 1 Discussion Board: A percentage of your grade is based on your posts on the Discussion Boards. If you are required to post on the discussion board, it will be clearly indicated in that week's assignment. You must post at least twice to each discussion board unless otherwise

What is the purpose of a discussion board?

5 Correct Discussion Board Responses Examples. Just from $13/Page. Order Now. Generally, the key to winning the grade when using online forums is through consistent practice. And you can do this by researching and going through other students’ Discussion Board Responses Examples to get the gist of these forums.

How to write discussion questions that actually spark discussions?

Examples of Discussion Board Etiquette for Online Courses Page 2 of 2 avoid slang (e.g., "Wassup?", "Yo," and so forth) don't curse use standard spelling: you (not u) are (not r) to or too (not 2) you're (not ure) right (not rite) I (not i) Source:

What is a discussion board?

Discussion boards are arguably the most important part of the online course. In a traditional f2f classroom, students see each other and interact in the physical classroom space. In an online course, discussion boards provide that same visible, interactive space for students to interact academically and socially with their peers.


What are the four key points of an online discussion board?

The table, Four Primary Discussion Types for Online Courses, summarizes the purpose, design, monitoring, evaluation recommendations and faculty involvement for each type.Apr 10, 2019

How do I create an online discussion board?

How to Create a Forum WebsitePick a location to host your forum.Choose a software to create your forum website.Organize your forum's structure.Design your forum's theme.Create user rules for your forum website.Start conversations with interesting discussion topics.Publish your forum on your website.More items...•Aug 4, 2021

What is a discussion board in an online course?

The discussion board is the one space built into the course management system where students can see and interact with each other's work. Make the most of that possibility by creating a discussion topic where each student starts a thread that showcases their work during the semester.

How do you write an online class discussion?

How to Write a Strong Discussion Post [INFOGRAPHIC]Do your homework. ... Read prompts carefully. ... Wake up your classmates with a strong argument or perspective. ... Be relevant. ... Bring something unique to the post. ... Prepare your response in a text editor (like Word) before you post. ... Leave participants wanting more.May 27, 2021

How do you engage students in online discussions?

Nine simple ways to increase student engagement in online discussion forums:Attach Photos, Images, Videos, Tweets, Links, etc,: ... Read All the Posts: ... Respond to Students with a Question, Affirmation, or Feedback: ... Ask Questions and Challenge Your Students to Think: ... If a Discussion Is Lagging, Try Re-Framing the Question:More items...•Feb 22, 2022

How can I make my discussion board more interesting?

Here are five tips I've gleaned for improving online discussion boards.Divide and Conquer. ... Direct Traffic. ... Assign Actions. ... Incorporate Student Interactivity. ... Deter Students from Parachuting into Discussion.

How is an online discussion board properly used?

Discussion boards for online classes give students the opportunity to talk about course topics with each other, and with the instructor, as they would if they were in a traditional classroom. This helps students absorb the class material and share ideas.Jan 28, 2022

What is a discussion board?

A discussion board is an online tool that allows groups to communicate asynchronously. A discussion board is made up of forums, which are folders containing messages on a particular subject. Forums contain threads.

What is the purpose of a discussion board?

The ultimate goal of a discussion board assignment is to get students talking to each other. But instructors rethinking their discussion boards emphasize that they play an active role throughout the process. Some students might be shy or reluctant to participate early on.Mar 27, 2019

How do you write a discussion board question?

Consider the following components of an effective discussion question.Determine the Objective. Before developing a discussion question, first determine what you want students to achieve. ... Determine the Type of Question. ... Engage the Students. ... Assess the Question. ... Be Involved.Oct 12, 2016

How do you introduce yourself in a discussion board?

Discussions - Introduce YourselfYour name and the name you prefer to go by.Where are you from?What is your program of study?What are your post-college plans?What is one of your favorite places?Do you have a favorite team or band?Do you have any unusual talents?More items...

How do you make a discussion board?

The most common approach for organizing discussions is to type your discussion topic in the forum title and add details in the forum description.Type a subject or a discussion question in the forum title and provide instructions or details in the description.Allow students to create threads.More items...

What are the best examples of online forums?

We've chosen five of the best chat and forums where you can ask questions, find info, and share your own stories.Reddit. Reddit is lovingly known as the front page of the internet. ... Quora. Even if you've been living under a rock, chances are you've heard of Quora. ... Stack Overflow. ... XDA-Developers. ... GamesSpot. ... Final Thoughts.Jan 7, 2019

What makes a good online discussion question?

Ask a specific question, one that won't have an obvious right answer, likely in one of the following categories. Personal reflections: “What do you think about ___?” “How do you feel about ___?” Past experiences: “In the past, how have you responded when ___?” “Have you ever had an experience where ___?”

How do you write a discussion board?

Tips for writing a good discussion threadPart 1: State what your thought or recommendation might be. In other words, answer the question, “What do you think?”Part 2: State why you think what you think. ... Part 3: State what you wish you knew or directly solicit the opinion of classmates (in other words, ask a question!)May 13, 2021

What is discussion forum example?

Top 10 Online ForumsReddit − Reddit is a social news collection of web content along with ratings, and the discussion forum website. ... Stack Overflow − Stack Overflow is a quite popular question and answers based website for any type of computer programming related queries.More items...•Jan 17, 2020

What is a online discussion forum?

An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat rooms in that messages are often longer than one line of text, and are at least temporarily archived.

What are the four key points of an online discussion board?

The table, Four Primary Discussion Types for Online Courses, summarizes the purpose, design, monitoring, evaluation recommendations and faculty involvement for each type.Apr 10, 2019

How is an online discussion board properly used?

Discussion boards for online classes give students the opportunity to talk about course topics with each other, and with the instructor, as they would if they were in a traditional classroom. This helps students absorb the class material and share ideas.Jan 28, 2022

How do I create an online discussion board?

How to Create a Forum WebsitePick a location to host your forum.Choose a software to create your forum website.Organize your forum's structure.Design your forum's theme.Create user rules for your forum website.Start conversations with interesting discussion topics.Publish your forum on your website.More items...•Aug 4, 2021

How do you write an online class discussion?

How to Write a Strong Discussion Post [INFOGRAPHIC]Do your homework. ... Read prompts carefully. ... Wake up your classmates with a strong argument or perspective. ... Be relevant. ... Bring something unique to the post. ... Prepare your response in a text editor (like Word) before you post. ... Leave participants wanting more.May 27, 2021

Does Google classroom have a discussion board?

Setting Up Online Discussions in Google Classroom Make sure that “students can reply to each other” and “students can edit answer” are both selected, so students can engage in dialogue after they have shared their initial response and fix any errors once their responses are posted.Feb 1, 2022

What is a discussion board in an online course?

The discussion board is the one space built into the course management system where students can see and interact with each other's work. Make the most of that possibility by creating a discussion topic where each student starts a thread that showcases their work during the semester.