old westbury suny blackboard

by Mrs. Jordane Kautzer 6 min read

What happens if you gain unauthorized access to SUNY Old Westbury?

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Why study at SUNY Old Westbury?

This service and the services to which it provides access are for authorized use only. Any attempt to gain unauthorized access, or exceed authorized access, to the SUNY Old Westbury College resources will be pursued, as applicable, under campus codes and state or federal law.

Why did Inayah transfer to SUNY Old Westbury?

After login into the Old Westbury Blackboard site, please click on help tab in the right top corner of the page, and complete Open SUNY Orientation Also, check out the SUNY Blackboard knowledge base:

What is the blackboard e-education platform?

Spring 2022 COVID-19 Resources and Updates - Campus in GREEN status — Click here to read more about Spring 2022 COVID-19 Resources and Updates - Campus in GREEN status


Live on Campus

All students living on campus will get single rooms for Fall 2021. Enjoy our 604-acre campus while having a room all to yourself!

A Day in the Life

When students succeed, we call it #OWmade. Watch videos of students who have excelled.

Alumni in 5

5 questions with Richard Best '90, director of the Securities & Exchange Commission's New York office.

See Our Campus

SUNY Old Westbury has a beautiful 604-acre campus that has earned Tree Campus USA status for four years in a row for its commitment to sustainability and the environment. At the same, our academic, student life, and residential facilities are geared to provide all you need to succeed.

The Long Island Region

Less than an hour from the heart of New York City, you'll study on a beautiful campus with shopping and entertainment offerings and an array of outdoor activities - including South Shore beaches - just a short drive away.
