ohio state university blackboard

by Thelma Purdy 3 min read

How are Blackboard courses archived at Ohio University?

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How do I access blackboard as a student?

For Ohio State Wexner Medical Center requests, contact Ohio State Wexner Medical Center IT Help Desk | Phone: 614-293-HELP (4357) If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact [email protected].

When do Blackboard course sites become available to the instructor of record?

Ohio State is one of the largest universities in the nation. It's also home to a diverse group of the best and brightest people in the world: dedicated faculty ...

How do I Manage my Ohio State Digital identity?

Important Note: There has been a change in method of logging into Blackboard*: Students: Login using CSUID @ vikes.csuohio.edu Faculty: Login using CSUID @ csuohio.edu ... ©2022 Cleveland State University | 2121 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-2214 | (216) 687-2000. Cleveland State University is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

Information You Should Know

Learn how to activate your Ohio State username (link is external) or how to change your password (link is external) through these provided articles. To update your address, phone number or other personal information, employees should log in to Employee Self Service (link is external) and students should log in to BuckeyeLink (link is external) .


BuckeyePass is a multi-factor authentication service that provides a second layer of security to your Ohio State account.

Ultra navigation Introduction

The following links help explain the new Ultra Navigation and features in Blackboard:

Password Reset

Forgot your password? To reset your password, login to CampusNet and follow the steps.

What is a blackboard?

Blackboard provides a customizable Grade Center where you can easily access and begin grading student work in order to provide timely feedback in multiple formats. Instructors can generate reports and access individual, class, and assignment/test statistics.

When can you load students on Blackboard?

Officially registered students are automatically loaded to Blackboard courses two (2) weeks before the course start date. Instructors can also enroll additional users, such as TAs or facilitators, choosing appropriate course roles to grant varying degrees of access to a course, and later remove those users.

How long does Blackboard course stay archived?

As per our course retention policy, Blackboard courses listed by the university registrar in the course offerings will be archived 2 years after the published course end date. Blackboard course sites become accessible to the Instructor of Record eight (8) weeks prior to the published course start date.

Is Blackboard private?

All Blackboard courses are "private," and thus inaccessible to students, by default, which allows instructors to build content privately until they are ready to share the course with students. Courses will be labeled in the course list as " Private," further indicated by a closed padlock icon, until they are opened to students.

How often is a blackboard created at Ohio University?

Every semester, a Blackboard course site is automatically created for each course offered by Ohio University. Although students are automatically loaded to each course site two (2) weeks before the start date, a course remains inaccessible to students until the instructor opens it. Because instructors are not required to use the LMS, ...

Do you have to use LMS to use Blackboard?

If in doubt, students should check with the instructor to confirm that a course will, or will not, make use of Blackboard.