officee mix and blackboard

by Jasen Kassulke 10 min read

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Use the Office Mix Create menu in Blackboard to share your Mix. This steps below will show you method 2 which will capture student name and ID in Office MIx …

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Jun 26, 2017 · To add a Mix to Blackboard, follow these steps: Add the Mix tool to a Content Folder or Learning Module. Set the options for the Mix. Connect the Mix Tool to the appropriate Mix. Set the Due Date. Adding the Mix Tool Mix is available as a Tool you can add to any Content Folder or Learning Module. It is available on the Tools menu at the top of the screen.

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A tiny tutorial on how to embed an Office Mix presentation into Blackboard.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Once you have created and published your Mix, you will want to add it to your Blackboard Learn course. You can even add it in such a way that the students' scores on the Mix questions will automatically populate in the Blackboard Learn Grade Center.

Adding the Mix Tool

Mix is available as a Tool you can add to any Content Folder or Learning Module. It is available on the Tools menu at the top of the screen. To start adding your Mix, navigate to the area of the course where you want your Mix, and select Office Mix from the Tools Menu:

Setting Mix Options

Just like with everything else in Learn, you must enter a name for your object at the top of the. You can also add an optional description students will see before they launch their Mix. At the bottom, you can set your availability options, just like you can on any other object in Learn.

Connecting Your Mix

Once you click Submit on the Create Office Mix page, the tool is added to the bottom of your Content Folder or Learning Module. You can drag or reorder the tool into the correct position at this point.

Setting the Due Date

Unfortunately, it seems there is a bug in the due date for the Mix tool. Although you can set a due date on the Create Office Mix options page, it does not seem to "stick," and it will not appear in the Calendar or My Grades tool.

Student View

This is what students will see when they access your Mix. They can view and download any files you attached and read your description.
