ocmboces blackboard

by Janiya Lang 6 min read


The Fall Institute for the Responsive Classroom Course is currently underway. The session is being held at the NEW 7 Valleys New Tech School in Cortland. This space is perfect for the engaging academics of the course because its moveable furniture lends itself to the active and interactive learning that takes place during this course.

The NEWEST Books Released by the Center for Responsive Schools

Exciting new book for our Special Area Teacher!!!#N#CLICK to Learn More or Purchase

Please Join The Social Network!!!

The OCM BOCES Responsive Classroom Blackboard site has been taken down, but a new more ACTIVE and INTERACTIVE group has been added to Facebook!!! It is my hope the use of the “Closed” OCM-RC Facebook group, will allow former participants a virtual community where ideas can be shared and interactions with each other can continue.
