netiquette for discussion blackboard

by Madelyn Douglas 6 min read

Blackboard Support Online Discussion Netiquette Netiquette refers to “Network Etiquette”. It is the way one should behave when sending email, posting to threaded discussions, or chatting online.

Here are some basic rules to help you get the most out of your online learning:
  • ALL CAPS IMPLIES THAT YOU ARE SHOUTING - Please do not do this!
  • Watch your “tone” - it's written, not verbal communication. ...
  • Check your spelling - Always!
  • Make your messages easier to read by making your paragraphs short and to the point.

Full Answer

What is “netiquette”?

Jan 17, 2020 · Blackboard Support; Online Discussion Netiquette. Netiquette refers to “Network Etiquette”. It is the way one should behave when sending email, posting to threaded discussions, or chatting online. ...

What are discussions in Blackboard Learn?

Netiquette. Guidelines for Online Communication. Overview. Perhaps the biggest difference between online classes and the traditional classroom is that most of your contact with your instructor and classmates in an online class happens in writing. Most of the discussion in an online class happens “asynchronously” in the Blackboard discussion forum.

What should you not do on a discussion board?

When communicating in an online class, posting discussions, sending emails, or course messages, it is important to remember several rules of etiquette: Avoid language that may come across as strong or offensive. Language can be easily misinterpreted in written communication. If a point must be stressed, review the statement to make sure that an outsider reading it would …

How do I find the discussion board?

Graduate level discussion posts should generally be academic in nature: include citations and evidence, be specific and elaborate with links whenever possible. Be respectful of normal business hours and plan ahead of time so you receive the proper help you need. Utilize the Code of Ethics in your communication at all times. It reminds of the social work values our mission …


What are 15 rules for netiquette?

Stay on topic – Don't post irrelevant links, comments, thoughts, or pictures. Don't type in ALL CAPS! If you do, it will look like you're screaming. Don't write anything that sounds angry or sarcastic, even as a joke, because without hearing your tone of voice, your peers might not realize you're joking.May 19, 2014

What are the 10 netiquette rules to follow while in a virtual classroom?

Netiquette in online educationMake sure identification is clear in all communications. ... Review what you wrote and try to interpret it objectively. ... If you wouldn't say it face to face, don't say it online. ... Don't assume everyone understands where you're coming from. ... Don't spam. ... Use emoticons. ... Respect others' privacy.More items...

What are the rules in discussion forum?

Sample Discussion Board Ground RulesIntroduce yourself. ... Ask questions. ... Participate. ... Do not dominate a discussion. ... Be intellectually rigorous. ... Be tactful. ... Forgive other students' mistakes. ... Read the whole thread before posting.More items...•Jul 22, 2016

What are guidelines for online discussions?

10 Guidelines for Participating in DiscussionsDo appropriate preparation . ... Keep your comment fairly brief. ... Check your message before you send it. ... Help move the discussion along. ... Keep up with the discussion throughout the course. ... Share your experience with your fellow students. ... Respect others' ideas and opinions.More items...

What are 5 rules of netiquette?

Follow these basic rules of netiquette to avoid damaging your online and offline relationships and protect your reputation.Make Real People a Priority. ... Use Respectful Language. ... Share With Discretion. ... Don't Exclude Others. ... Choose Friends Wisely. ... Respect People's Privacy. ... Fact Check Before Reposting. ... Don't Spam.More items...•Feb 14, 2022

What is a Golden Rule of netiquette?

The golden rule of netiquette in an online class or environment is, do not do or say online what you would not do or say offline.

What are some rules to follow during a group discussion?

Guidelines for Interaction for Better Class DiscussionsAllow everyone a chance to speak.Listen respectfully and actively.Criticize ideas, not individuals.Commit to learning, not debating.Avoid blame, speculation, inflammatory language.Avoid assumptions about others, especially based on their perceived social group.Jan 24, 2018

What are some of the ethics of online discussions?

Netiquette Tips For Online DiscussionsUse proper language. ... Be precise. ... Avoid emoticons and “texting” writing. ... Be explanatory. ... Read all comments before hitting “submit”. ... Tone down your language. ... Recognize and respect diversity. ... Control your temper.More items...•Jun 6, 2015

What should the goal of a discussion be?

The goal of a discussion is to get students to practice thinking about the course material. Your role becomes that of facilitator. You design and facilitate the discussion rather than convey information.

What is the most important netiquette rule?

When communicating electronically, whether through email, instant message, discussion post, text, or some other method, practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Remember, your written words are read by real people, all deserving of respectful communication.

What are examples of netiquette?

Your netiquette guidelines may include:Appropriate use of language and tone.Your expectations for grammar, puncutation, text fonts and colors.Respect and consideration for other students.Use of sarcasm, humor, and/or the posting of jokes.Issues of privacy and information sharing outside of class.

How do you facilitate an online discussion?

10 Tips for Effective Online DiscussionsConvey Clear Expectations. ... Adjust to the Discussion Board. ... Clarify Your Role. ... Provide Feedback and Coaching. ... Track Participation. ... Offer Groups and Discussion Board Alternatives. ... Create Questions You Care About. ... Select Discussion Leaders.More items...•Nov 21, 2018

What are the rules of etiquette in online classes?

When communicating in an online class, posting discussions, sending emails, or course messages, it is important to remember several rules of etiquette: Avoid language that may come across as strong or offensive. Language can be easily misinterpreted in written communication. If a point must be stressed, review the statement to make sure ...

Can you take back a comment that has already been sent?

There’s no taking back a comment that has already been sent, so it is important to double-check all writing to make sure that it clearly conveys the exact intended message. The language of the Internet. Certain aspects of Internet communication are not appropriate in the online classroom.

What is the purpose of Blackboard orientation?

The purpose of this orientation is to help students navigate a course in Blackboard. In addition to detailing University policies and resources, the information below will also show you how to post assignments, participate in discussions, review feedback and grades, and communicate with the instructor.

What is a blackboard password?

Blackboard is the online classroom, and UTEP login credentials and password are the keys to enter the classroom. You should not share credentials and passwords and should change passwords if they have been compromised. You should always log out of Blackboard at the end of a session.

What is netiquette in the virtual world?

Netiquette, or network etiquette , is concerned with the "proper" way to communicate in an online environment. Consider the following whenever you communicate in the virtual world:

What is the rule 6 of the Internet?

Rule 6: Share expert knowledge. The Internet offers its users many benefits; one is the ease in which information can be shared or accessed and in fact, this "information sharing" capability is one of the reasons the Internet was founded.

What is the responsibility of a virtual world communicator?

As a virtual world communicator, it is your responsibility to make sure that the time spent reading your words isn't wasted. Make your written communication meaningful and to the point, without extraneous text or superfluous graphics or attachments that may take forever to download.

What is flaming war?

What is meant by "flaming" and "flame wars?" "Flaming is what people do when they express a strongly held opinion without holding back any emotion." (Shea, 1994). As an example, think of the kinds of passionate comments you might read on a sports blog. While "flaming" is not necessarily forbidden in virtual communication, "flame wars," when two or three people exchange angry posts between one another, must be controlled or the camaraderie of the group could be compromised. Don't feed the flames; extinguish them by guiding the discussion back to a more productive direction.

How does electronic communication take time?

Electronic communication takes time: time to read and time in which to respond. Most people today lead busy lives, just like you do, and don't have time to read or respond to frivolous emails or discussion posts. As a virtual world communicator, it is your responsibility to make sure that the time spent reading your words isn't wasted. Make your written communication meaningful and to the point, without extraneous text or superfluous graphics or attachments that may take forever to download.

What is Rule 8?

Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy. Depending on what you are reading in the virtual world, be it an online class discussion forum, Facebook page, or an email, you may be exposed to some private or personal information that needs to be handled with care.

When communicating electronically, what is the Golden Rule?

When communicating electronically, whether through email, instant message, discussion post, text, or some other method, practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Remember, your written words are read by real people, all deserving of respectful communication.
