mytriton blackboard

by Roxanne Zemlak 9 min read

Who will use the mytriton portal?

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Is my blackboard account the same as my Portal/email account?

Staff and Students will use the MyTriton Portal for registration, grades, class rosters, degree audit and more. For additional information or assistance, please contact the Admissions Call Center at 708-456-0300 Ext. 3130. Login to the Mytriton Portal

How do I find my blackboard username and photo ID?

Your Blackboard username is the last 8 digits of your Photo ID number. While this number can be referenced on the physical Photo ID card, you can also look up the Photo ID number by using the Photo ID Lookup tool. Photo ID Lookup To lookup your Photo ID Number, you will need to know your Social Security Number (if on file) or Colleague ID.

How can I check the latest information about Triton College?

Access the old Blackboard system. User name: Password: Pop-up Blockers. The Blackboard Learning System sometimes uses small browser windows to deliver requested content. Some pop-up blockers incorrectly interpret these small windows as pop-ups and block them. If you have installed a pop-up blocker, turn it off while using the Learning System.


Classes & enrollment tools

WebReg: Plan your schedule, then register for classes and add, drop, and change them.

Engaged learning tools

Research Experience & Applied Learning (REAL) Portal: Discover internships, research opportunities, international experiences, and more.

Personal & career tools

Addresses: Keep your contact information up to date, or make some of it private.

Other student tools & apps

CAPE Course & Professor Evaluations: Undergrad courses and professors receive ratings based on student feedback. Evaluation periods open at the end of each quarter.
