my waubonsee blackboard

by Mariano Corkery PhD 4 min read

How do I contact Waubonsee canvas?

mywcc Login - Waubonsee Community College ... mywcc ...

How do I add users to Waubonsee?

Home Page, Start Here, Syllabus, Course Schedule, Learning Materials, and My Grades. Additional items for student success can be added manually. For example, a Tutoring Center Help link for online students could be added. Before adding the item to the navigation menu, it is important to know if it is a Blackboard tool, a web link, or a content ...

What training do I need to become a Waubonsee faculty?

Canvas is an intuitive learning management system from Instructure that includes many tools to facilitate effective communication and interaction. Instructors are able to easily design, build, and manage courses. Canvas is available to all Waubonsee employees to create dynamic, engaging spaces for teams, committees, groups, and more.


How to add users to Waubonsee?

Click 'People' on the navigation menu. The red +People button will allow you to add a user using either the Waubonsee email address or the x-number (Login ID). You can add a list of users by copying and pasting their email addresses in the box. In that case, you don't have to add them one by one.

What is the Waubonsee Canvas support number?

The Waubonsee Canvas Support Hotline is available 24/7 at 1-833-201-9762. Canvas Chat Support, Canvas Guides, and the Canvas Training Portal are also available 24x7 through the 'Help' button in Canvas.

What is Canvas in college?

Canvas is the college’s exclusive learning management system! Canvas is an intuitive learning management system from Instructure that includes many tools to facilitate effective communication and interaction. Instructors are able to easily design, build, and manage courses. Canvas is available to all Waubonsee employees to create dynamic, ...

How to import content from Canvas?

To import existing content from another Canvas shell, you start from the course you are working on and pull the content in from another shell. Find Settings at the left lower corner, click 'Import Course Content' on the right hand side.

What is heading 1 in a text box?

Heading 1 is reserved for the page title; in this example, the box states 'Lecture About Accessibility Checker' in the image. The Title of the text in the editor starts with Heading 2, and the subtitle will in turn use Heading 3. They must be in order. Nonetheless, headings can be repeated.

Why do you add alt text to an image?

However, if you add alt text, then the audience would know what the image is about. If it is a data graph or an artwork, even when the image appears properly, the alt text can be very helpful. Not only does it provide a clear description, but it also helps students understand the intent of the image.
