my patriot blackboard

by Dr. Era Hermann Sr. 9 min read

How do I log into MasonLive?

Go to and select MasonLive Email or access your MasonLive account directly through the Outlook website. Log in with your full email address ([email protected]) and your MasonLive Microsoft Password (this is not your Patriot Pass Password).Aug 23, 2021

Does George Mason use Blackboard?

All users access Blackboard through the myMason portal. To access Blackboard, log in to and select the Courses tab. Faculty and students will gain access to their courses from this location.

What is PatriotWeb?

Patriot Web is a self-service site for students, faculty, and staff to manage their administrative records and accounts. Unauthorized use of this system and its material is strictly forbidden and may constitute a violation of state and/or federal law. This is unpublished material and contains confidential information.

How do I set up a Patriot pass?

InstructionsSelect Start Account Setup.Enter your contact information, then select Save and Continue.Enter your security questions and answers, then select Save and Continue. ... Create your Patriot Pass Password, then select Save and Continue. ... Follow the prompts on the Duo 2FA Authentication Verification page.More items...•Aug 1, 2021

What is GMU blackboard?

MyMason provides access to Blackboard courses and organizations. Organizations is a unique feature of myMason that allows any and all groups—from the smallest club at Mason to the largest—to stay informed and receive information specific to their organization.

Does GMU use canvas or blackboard?

What is Blackboard? Blackboard is a course management system used campus-wide at George Mason University.

Is George Mason University a prestigious school?

George Mason University has five programs in the top 100 in the world in the latest Academic Rankings of World Universities. The university also gained in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.Sep 2, 2021

Is George Mason University Private?

A public, comprehensive, research university established by the Commonwealth of Virginia in the National Capital Region, we are an innovative and inclusive academic community committed to creating a more just, free, and prosperous world.

What is Patriot Web gmu?

Patriot Web - A Self Service Web Site for Students, Faculty, and Staff - George Mason University.

Can freshman have cars at GMU?

Student Permits and Parking Requirements Student parking is restricted to students displaying a valid George Mason University student parking permit. Freshman residents who have a vehicle are required to purchase a West Campus, Lot I, Lot J or Rappahannock River parking permit.

How do I drop a course GMU?

Steps for requesting a non-academic withdrawal Fill out a CHHS Student Academic Request Form, which can be obtained from the CHHS Office of Student Affairs explaining the specific request and reasons. Submit your completed request and supporting documentation to the CHHS Office of Student Affairs in a timely manner.

What is GMU claim code?

The Claim Code is a six-character code that you established with the ITS Support Center or administering department. You can use it, along with a G Number on the Password Management Site to get your NetID and password.Aug 15, 2018