mssu online blackboard

by Jarrett Crist 8 min read

How do I get to Blackboard?

Blackboard is located at You can also find it on the MSSU homepage under "Quick Links".

Why can't I log into Blackboard?

If you have just been enrolled, the system will take a couple hours to create an account for you. If you are trying to get in before the semester that you are enrolled in, it will not open up until 2 days prior to when classes start.

Why do I not see my classes listed?

Classes are not listed until 2 days prior to the classes' start date. If you are taking an eight-week course, these also do not show up until 2 days prior to the start date.

Why is nothing in my Blackboard class?

Contact your professor to see if they use Blackboard. (Not all classes use the Blackboard course that is created.)

Why is my professor not receiving my emails through Blackboard?

Make sure you are emailing the professor directly. Don't reply to an announcement where the email address is "do-not-reply@learn-prod....". If you reply to this email, your professor will not get your response. Try using the "Send an Email to your Instructor" link in the Blackboard course.

Why is Missouri Southern State University a distance learning school?

Why Distance Learning? As an accredited university, Missouri Southern State University believes that education shouldn't be limited by location or time. The Distance Learning Department at MSSU truly believes education should be anytime – anywhere.

What is Missouri Southern Online?

Missouri Southern Online truly believes in equity and access to higher education for all learners around the globe. The flexibility of 24/7 online access means that our "Anytime. Anywhere." approach to education can fit into even the most demanding life.

Is Missouri Southern University in state?

Missouri Southern State University has expanded its boundaries for in-state tuition! Now all of Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and many counties in Illinois qualify for instate tuition. In fact, U.S. News and World Report recently listed Missouri Southern State University as one of the top ten most affordable institutions in the United States.

The learning continues at Missouri Southern

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Academic Resources

Academic Advising – Here you can get help with class schedules and course information from one of our knowledgeable advisers.

Policies & Regulations

Student Handbook - All the legalities and details of campus policy, dress code and more.

Support Services & Resources

Accessibility Support Services - If you need assistance with a disability, this department is here to help you.

Health & Safety

Counseling services - Mental health is a very important aspect of keeping yourself healthy and stress-free. We offer free, individualized counseling services for students.

Getting Around Campus

Maps – Not sure where something is on campus? Use this digital resource.

Technology Needs

Acceptable Usage Policy Information – To understand the legal nitty-gritty of using campus materials and internet services.

How many blackboard templates are there at MSSU?

New Blackboard sites are created every semester from which to teach. However, faculty at MSSU are allowed a maximum of four Blackboard templates for each course they teach. The content in a Blackboard template can be copied into a “live” Blackboard course site.

Does MSSU have a blackboard?

Yes. All MSSU students will see the "Blackboard Orientation and Information Course Site" in their course listings once they've logged into MSSU's Blackboard. This site contains helpful tips and information about the requirements and general use of Blackboard.

Can you take a blackboard test online?

They may require the use of a proctor, or the use of security tool such as Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor. If the instructor requires a proctor, you will also have the option to take the test online using Respondus.
