moodle blackboard and other on line

by Felix Runte 4 min read

Which is better, Moodle or blackboard?

Mar 08, 2021 · Blackboard: Blackboard provides a variety of implementation services and training options to support new and ongoing users. The vendor has a community space similar to Moodle called Behind the Blackboard for developers and administrators to troubleshoot problems. Bottom line: The biggest difference comes down to implementation. For Moodle, you’ll need to …

How to backup Moodle?

Home Moodle vs Blackboard: a side by side comparison Skip to… 01 Blackboard 02 Moodle 03 Vendors 04 Similarities & Differences 05 Customisation 06 Extensions & Integrations In a new series of blog posts, we’re going to take a detailed look at how Moodle measures up against some of the other learning platforms available on […]

How to import Blackboard questions into Moodle?

Jul 13, 2020 · There are also Moodle community forums where users can get support, share ideas, and meet other Moodle users. Given the range of functionality and the importance of distance education, Blackboard has a YouTube page that offers various tutorials and information for the Blackboard community.

How to teach online with Moodle?

online courses, all instructions are mediated by technology; in most cases this is a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Blackboard or Moodle. Blackboard and Moodle are two Learning Management Systems with a lot in common, but there are some key differences which make each one special in its own way [6].


What is an alternative to Moodle?

Most alternatives are Learning Management Systems and Online Education Services. The best alternative is Chamilo, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like Moodle are Google Classroom (Free), Open edX (Free, Open Source), Oppia (Free, Open Source) and Classtime (Freemium).

What is better than Moodle?

Top 10 Alternatives to MoodleCanvas LMS.Google Classroom.Blackboard Learn.TalentLMS.D2L Brightspace.Schoology.Edmodo.Sakai.

What is Moodle Blackboard or Canvas?

Moodle is an open-source learning management solution that is based on a modular design. ... Canvas is another open-source LMS that is one of the fastest-growing systems today. It is specifically created for educational institutes – for grades K-12 and higher education.Dec 28, 2020

Is Moodle different from Blackboard?

Moodle has a well designed architecture, so its faster as compared to Blackboard, where students have faced problems while loading pages. Moodle does not allow you as a student to work offline but Blackboard lets you complete your courses and activities offline.Oct 16, 2017

Which is better Google classroom or Moodle?

Moodle is huge, vast, and offers a lot more features than Google Classroom. Simply because Google Classroom is not officially an LMS. Moodle is a little complex to understand because of its clunky interface....#2 Ease of Use.MoodleGoogle ClassroomComplex to useRelatively easier to use4 more rows•Sep 4, 2020

Is Moodle obsolete?

Moodle HQ has decided to stop active development of the Moodle Desktop apps for Windows, macOS and Linux from 1 May 2021.Nov 5, 2020

How is Moodle different from other LMS?

Moodle – Moodle is the most used LMS around the world for its modular design and open-source technology....Summary.MoodleCanvasOpen source, modular design that's highly customizable. Moodle Cloud also availableFree, open-source cloud-based learning platform, but also has a paid version1 more row

Is Canvas or blackboard better?

The winner: Canvas Canvas and Blackboard both provide full features for creating courses, providing on-demand and live training, and managing users. Across the board, however, Canvas's features are better designed and more innovative than Blackboard's.Jan 11, 2021

Are Canvas and Moodle the same?

However, the main difference between Canvas and Moodle can be observed in content creation. Moodle offers content authoring tools while canvas on the other hand fails to do so. Moodle is free and allows the user to make changes to fit their learning.

Is Moodle part of Blackboard?

Moodle partner companies owned by Blackboard currently provide Moodle's largest revenue stream among more than 80 partners. But revenue from Blackboard has represented an increasingly small percentage of the company's overall intake since 2012, according to Dougiamas.Aug 1, 2018

Is Blackboard considered an LMS?

Blackboard Learn (Blackboard) is the primary Learning Management System (LMS) used for online, blended, and web-assisted courses at the University of Toledo.Mar 4, 2022

Is Blackboard an authoring tool?

Blackboard Learn Blackboard Learn provides a stable authoring, tracking, and learning environment for students and course developers. It can be adapted for academic and corporate use; and can be accessed via desktop or mobile devices.

What is the difference between Moodle and Canvas?

When comparing Moodle vs Canvas, Moodle is majorly used in the organizations and educational sector, whereas Canvas is widely used in schools. ... However, the main difference between Canvas and Moodle can be observed in content creation. Moodle offers content authoring tools while canvas on the other hand fails to do so.

Which is better Moodle or Google classroom?

Moodle is huge, vast, and offers a lot more features than Google Classroom. Simply because Google Classroom is not officially an LMS. Moodle is a little complex to understand because of its clunky interface....#2 Ease of Use.MoodleGoogle ClassroomEfficient reporting optionsLimited reports4 more rows•Sep 4, 2020

What is the Moodle platform?

Moodle is a free software, a learning management system providing a platform for e-learning and it helps the various educators considerably in conceptualizing the various courses, course structures and curriculum thus facilitating interaction with online students.Jan 11, 2022

What is the best LMS for university?

Premium Learning Management Systems in Higher EducationBlackboard. Blackboard has lead the premium LMS pack for a number of years now and you certainly get what you pay for. ... Schoology. Schoology is another full-featured LMS. ... Brightspace. ... Canvas. ... Moodle. ... Sakai. ... LearnDash. ... LifterLMS.More items...•Sep 27, 2017

Is Blackboard based on Moodle?

Blackboard became a Moodle Partner in 2012 when it began acquiring several companies that were already Moodle Partners, including the US-based Moodlerooms Inc. Moodle Partner companies help support Moodle by paying royalties on their Moodle-related revenue.Jul 27, 2018

How is Moodle different from other LMS?

Moodle – Moodle is the most used LMS around the world for its modular design and open-source technology....Summary.MoodleCanvasOpen source, modular design that's highly customizable. Moodle Cloud also availableFree, open-source cloud-based learning platform, but also has a paid version1 more row

What is the difference between Blackboard and Moodle?

Moodle has a well designed architecture, so its faster as compared to Blackboard, where students have faced problems while loading pages. Moodle does not allow you as a student to work offline but Blackboard lets you complete your courses and activities offline.Oct 16, 2017

How many students can Moodle handle?

Very roughly, worst case, your Moodle site may only handle as few as 10-20 concurrent users per GB of memory. Moodle is a large application and can easily use more that 50MB (sometimes a lot more) of RAM per process.Apr 15, 2019

Does Moodle work with Google?

We are pleased to announce Moodle's integration with Google G-Suite and Microsoft Office in Moodle 3.3. This integration means easier, faster access to all the tools teachers and students need, and the ability to open documents from other systems while being on your Moodle site.May 17, 2017

Is Moodle a CMS or LMS?

Moodle is the world's most widely used LMS system. It's an open-source framework used for all kinds of eLearning, including blended learning, distance education and workplace training.Sep 17, 2020

Can Moodle detect other tabs?

Moodle cannot detect if you opened other tabs or window unless it has a proctoring software to monitor your computer. As it is, it cannot detect any activities on your computer apart from the active tab you have. However, when using proctor software, Moodle can detect your computer activities.Jun 5, 2021

Is Moodle platform free?

Moodle is a free online learning management system, or LMS (also known as VLE.)Nov 18, 2020

What LMS does Harvard use?

CanvasCanvas is a learning management system (LMS) by Instructure that has been adopted by all of the schools of Harvard University. Canvas provides tools for teaching staff to develop and administer course websites.

Is Moodle a good LMS?

But Moodle is not the world's best LMS just because it's so widely used—Moodle is the world's best LMS because it is user-friendly, highly-configurable (flexible), and feature-rich.Apr 29, 2018

What is the correct expansion of Moodle?

modular object-oriented dynamic learning environmentThe acronym Moodle officially stands for modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment.


  • A Learning Management System is basically a website that we use to manage the student learning experience. It is where we host training courses or supporting material for in classroom training. We can not only use it to host our training content but also somewhere we can assess students and store their results. There are many LMS on the market that are both open source w…
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General Feature Comparison

  • The first and most important thing we need to look at is a comparison of the core features of LMS between Blackboard Learn and Moodle. Both Blackboard and Moodleoffer this feature for their administrators: When both products have the same features then you need to dig into the features and look as which are easier to use. Then price is a major differentiator between them as well a…
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Installation & Maintenance

  • When you use either Blackboard Learn or Moodle using the Hosted solutions the installation is done for you. You will still need to do the following on your LMS: 1. Set up your public pages 2. Set up your Administators / Teachers / Students 3. Load your Course Training Material 4. Set up Additional Plugins 4.1. Payment Gateways 4.1. Reporting 4.1. Third Party Integrations 4.1. Etc 5. …
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User Security

  • Managing your Administrators, Teachers and Students and being able to allocate the right permissions to them is a core feature you will use consistently. Whether you have your IT department or a designated Administrator be the only person that can do this depends on how you will be using your LMS. But from a practical aspect there are some things we want to secure…
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Look and Feel

  • When we talk about look and feel this is generally called a Theme or a Skin. Moodle has their themes on their website and has open standards for third parties to make new themes as well. Blackboard has some themes you can use but not as many as Moodle and Third parties can not make new themes and publish them to the world. With both Blackboard and Moodle you can ins…
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Managing Courses

  • One of the most core features of a learning management system is the ease of adding training content. From individual topics to subjects and then to full courses, this something that you do daily. I know for me when I use a tool every day how little things can really annoy your so lets look at this features. When you are creating courses in Moodle teachers can create their own course…
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Student Assessment

  • Both Blackboard and Moodle offer great grade books where you can record student marks but there are some differences between them. They both allow you to include assignments and quizzes built of your own question banks to be included in the grade book. I personally like the look and feel of the Moodle Grade Book over the Blackboard one.
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  • Despite the similarities revealed so far, in terms of pricing the two platforms are quite different.
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Staff Training

  • Staff training for administering your site and training teachers is critical to the success of choosing an LMS. This is a key point of difference between Moodle and Blackboard. Moodle has two online courses. The first for teachers and the second for people that are administering Moodle. They are both self-paced eLearning style training courses. Blackboards training option…
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Extendibility & Integrations

  • When choosing an LMS for your online courses it is important for the system to be compatible with other software solutions that you might be using. Plugins and additional applications allow you to extend the functionality of the LMS or to integrate to your other systems.
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