metro intetr blackboard

by Erling Braun 3 min read

Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico – Metro Campus

La Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico es una institución privada de educación superior, sin fines de lucro y con profundas raíces cristianas. Por más de 100 años se ha dedicado a preparar estudiantes en todas las ramas del que hacer humanístico, social y científico.

Misión Institucional

El Recinto Metropolitano ofrece a estudiantes de diversos trasfondos culturales y nacionales una formación académica dirigida al desarrollo de líderes y emprendedores comprometidos con hacer contribuciones significativas enmarcadas en el servicio, los valores democráticos y la reafirmación de nuestro carácter como una institución de raíces cristianas con el enfoque ecuménico de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico..

February is Black History Month

Metropolitan Education District (MetroED) is excited to celebrate Black History Month throughout February. Each year we are proud to honor the rich heritage, triumphs, and adversities that are an indelible part of our country’s history.

MetroED Celebrates Career and Technical Education Month

Students and staff at Metropolitan Education District (MetroED) will join others across the nation during the month of February to celebrate national Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month®. #CareerTechEd

February CTE Newsletter

CTE Month is officially here! February is my favorite month because MetroED celebrates Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month, a national initiative recognizing CTE programs and highlighting CTE teachers and students.

January 2022 CTE Newsletter

As a new year begins, we challenge ourselves to new opportunities, whether it's learning something new or conquering new goals. I look forward to our continued partnership, celebrating successes, and advancing efforts that help our students thrive.