mdc blackboard aangee

by Elise Feeney 8 min read

How does the MDC online help desk handle blackboard issues?

Alejandro Angee. Phone: (305) 237-3180. Email: [email protected]. View Office Hours.

How do I get help with blackboard login issues?

Canvas & Blackboard Resources. Miami Dade College has chosen Canvas as our next Learning Management System. Please visit the MDC Canvas one-stop resource site to learn more. Please note that some topics on this page are linked to content in the CIOL ORG and will require a Blackboard log-in.

How do I contact MDC online student support center?

Search the MDC Online FAQs to see if the answers to your questions are readily available. For more information and assistance, please contact our Student Support Center: Phone: 305-237-3800 Email Us: [email protected] Schedule an Appointment: Set up an appointment to meet with an MDC Online Student Support Team Member Hours:

What is the blackboard orientation?

By Phone: Students can call the Blackboard Student Support Desk at (305) 237-3800 The MDC Online Help Desk handles all student-related Blackboard login issues for Web-enhanced and Blended courses. Other student issues for Web-enhanced or Blended courses should be reported to the instructor, who can then work with CIOL to determine whether the issue can be fixed or …


Blackboard Support

Begin the term with the proper knowledge of Blackboard to learn how to navigate and work through the course, effectively communicate with your instructors and classmates, and to set and customize your best-fit preferences.

Get Help

The Student Support Center can help resolve technical issues and answer questions about current and future courses and semesters. Current and prospective students can submit a ticket by emailing [email protected] and will receive a response from the Student Support team.

Midterms, Finals and Remote Testing

Guidelines, help and contact information on everything related to testing.

Updates and Announcements

MDC Cares is providing assistance in a number of ways through a new funding program from the U.S. Department of Education, designed to offset some of the financial difficulties brought about by the coronavirus pandemic.


Blackboard is a learning management system (LMS), which is a web-based platform for course material, assignments, grades and more.

Tools and Resources

Miami Dade College has a broad range of remote learning tools and resources to help you keep learning and stay connected.

Student Support Services

Most campus support services are updating their websites with information about how to remotely access their services.
