mcckc penn valley blackboard

by Jasen Will 7 min read

Where is the Student Success Center located?

The Student Success Center (SSC) is located on the second floor of the Learning Resources building, above the library. Our mission is to provide academic support to students as they work to become independent learners. The SSC offers FREE tutoring for students enrolled in MCC courses.

How to be successful in academics?

Academic Success Tips from the Student Success Center: 1 Attend every class. 2 Be on time. 3 If you arrive late, take a seat quietly without disrupting the class. 4 Let your instructor know if you must miss class. 5 Read and keep track of the syllabus. 6 Take notes in class. 7 Review your notes every day after class. 8 Do your assignments and turn them in on time. 9 Begin papers/projects when the instructor assigns them. 10 Read the assigned chapter before class. 11 Utilize the Student Success Center before you have a problem in class. 12 Get to know your classmates and form study groups. 13 Take a realistic course load. 14 Participate in campus activities. 15 Eat healthy and get plenty of sleep.

How many volumes are there in MCC Penn Valley Library?

MCC-Penn Valley Library has a book collection of over 80,000 volumes and subscribes to 100+ magazines, journals and newspapers. Our holdings are accessible through the Kansas City online catalog. Kansas City is part of the MOBIUS system which includes holdings of Missouri universities and colleges.

How many computers are there in the MCC library?

The library has 40 computers available for student use. Computers are to be used for researching assignments given by MCC instructors. First priority on computers goes to students conducting research for class. If our computers are reserved for class use, you will be asked to use the Instructional Computer Lab in HU 103.

What is the mission of MCC?

MCC Library Mission: The Libraries support the MCC mission by providing services and resources that strengthen and enhance instructional services.

Can you leave a child unattended at Metropolitan Community College?

Therefore, students are prohibited from leaving a child unattended at any of the college facilities. Unattended children will be reported to the Public Safety office and the parent/guardian responsible could face disciplinary action. Parents/guardians must make arrangements for the care of their children during class meetings.

Is MCC Penn Valley part of MOBIUS?

MCC-Penn Valley library is a part of MOBIUS, a consortium linking academic libraries across the region. Books can be requested online and will be sent to MCC-Penn Valley library for checkout. Please ask at the Reference Desk about this service.

Can you renew a library book twice?

Library materials may be renewed twice, if someone else has not requested the item. For reserve items, there are no renewals. Interlibrary loan renewals are determined by the lending library. Return library books at the Circulation Desk (Learning Resources 1st floor).

How to contact Penn Valley Library?

Other topics specific to your assignments and students’ needs. Please contact the Penn Valley Library at 816.604.4081 to schedule an Information Literacy Instruction session. Please provide us at least 2 school days’ notice.

What does Penn Valley Library teach?

Our librarians teach research skills to students in one or more class sessions. Topics we teach can include: Other topics specific to your assignments and students’ needs. Please contact the Penn Valley Library at 816.604.4081 to schedule an Information Literacy Instruction session.

What is the phone number for the library?

For help with research, online resources and other reference questions, please call the reference desk at 816.604.4081. An online chat library service is also available during , hours and accessible from the library website or through Blackboard.

What do librarians teach?

Our librarians teach research skills to students in one or more class sessions. Topics we teach can include: 1 Critical thinking skills for research 2 Navigating databases to find reliable articles and books 3 Website evaluation 4 Other topics specific to your assignments and students’ needs.

Can you put books on reserve in MCC?

Books, textbooks, journal articles, DVDs, etc., may be put on reserve in the library for one semester if they conform to copyright laws. You determine the length of the checkout period. Please remind your students that they need an MCC photo ID to check out any library materials, even 'library use only' reserve items. Contact the Circulation Desk, 816.604.4080.


Specific Charges

Loan Lengths

Renewals and Returns


Electronic Resources


Course Reserves

Interlibrary Loan

Library Collection

  • MCC-Penn Valley Library has a book collection of over 80,000 volumes and subscribes to 100+ magazines, journals and newspapers. Our holdings are accessible through the Kansas City online catalog. Kansas City is part of the MOBIUS system which includes holdings of Missouri universities and colleges.
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Reference Assistance