mba blackboard learn

by Brooklyn Luettgen 6 min read

What is the Blackboard Learn platform?

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How do I log in to Blackboard?

Blackboard Learn provides students with a powerful means to personalize, access and organize all of their courses, due dates, while providing social tools that help them discover, connect, communicate, and collaborate with your Blackboard Learn network. To access the platform click here! To log in, type your username and password and click on “login”.

What is the difference between BB learn and MyUH (PeopleSoft)?

For more information and Frequently Asked Questions on Blackboard Learn, see Bb Learn Help for Instructors University of Houston Houston, Texas 77204 (713) 743-2255 A–Z Index

Are You receiving emails from Blackboard or UH?

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eLearning Platform

Blackboard Learn provides students with a powerful means to personalize, access and organize all of their courses, due dates, while providing social tools that help them discover, connect, communicate, and collaborate with your Blackboard Learn network.

Welcome to the Hellenic American University Blackboard Learn network

Blackboard Learn provides students with a powerful means to personalize, access and organize all of their courses, due dates, while providing social tools that help them discover, connect, communicate, and collaborate with your Blackboard Learn network.

Online and Mobile Components

This program is offered at a distance using a Learning Management System (Blackboard), supplemented by several online resources and mobile applications. You will also need access to a computer with an Internet connection.

Getting Your Technology in Order

This section will guide you through the steps to set up your technology so that you are ready to hit the ground running. After completing this section, you will have:
