matc blackboard'

by Kim Graham 6 min read

What is blackboard and how do I get Started?

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Why choose MATC?

Blackboard (Bb Learn) is the official Learning Management System (LMS) at MATC. Students use Bb Learn to access content for all courses — those delivered online and face-to-face. Instructors utilize Bb Learn for course syllabuses and other resources. myMATC (student/staff portal)

What kind of course material will I See on Blackboard?

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How do I read the syllabus for my blackboard course?

Apr 11, 2022 · Blackboard is Madison College's course management system. Your online, online live and hybrid courses will likely use Blackboard. Face-to-face courses might also include content on Blackboard. Course organization is left up to the instructor so each course may look a little different in Blackboard.


What is Blackboard and how do I get started?

Blackboard is Madison College's course management system. Your online, online live and hybrid courses will likely use Blackboard. Face-to-face courses might also include content on Blackboard.

Getting started with a practice course

If you would like access to a practice course - that may help you get started using Blackboard, send an email request to Student Computer Help. Include your name and username and mention that you would like to be added to the Library's Blackboard practice course.
