los rios blackboard

by Dr. Solon Auer 3 min read


When editing within the Canvas Rich Content Editor, click on the Accessibility Checker icon.

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel

For Microsoft Office 365 (or 2019), click the Review tab and then click on the Check Accessibility button. For Earlier versions of Microsoft Office click on File, choose Check for Issues, then click on Check Accessibility.

Grackle for Google Docs

The Accessibility Check pane will open on the right and will present an accessibility check with a list of items below it that need to be remediated. Click on the different items that have an X to the left of them for further explanation on how to fix any issues:

Explore HomeBases

The Business HomeBase includes programs that prepare students to work in fields such as Accounting, Business, Business Technology, Economics, Legal Studies, Management, Marketing, Real Estate, and Technical Communication.

Explore a Program

Prepare for careers in various accounting professions and develop a foundation in accounting and business.

Indigenous Land Use Statement

We acknowledge the land which we occupy at American River College as the traditional home of the Nisenan, Maidu, and Miwok tribal nations. These sovereign people have been the caretakers of this land since time immemorial.
