lms blackboard rpi

by King Haag 6 min read

Does Rensselaer have a blackboard license?

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Does blackboard have WebEx integration?

Learning Management System (Blackboard) Rensselaer's Learning Management System allows professors, TAs and other instructors to set up and manage the online course materials that are available to their students. https://lms.rpi.edu/.

What is LMS (Learning Management System)?

This training module covers the Virtual meetings tool within LMS Blackboard. You can schedule a recurring or one-time meeting with your students or other instructors. 1 .Select + New Meeting. 2 .Choose Meeting, Training, or Event. 3.Enter a descriptive Name for the meeting. 4.Select the Meeting Date, Duration, and Recurrence. 5.Select Create Meeting.



DotCIO has obtained enterprise licensing for Gradescope, an online grading platform which can be used to grade paper-based, digital and code assignments.


Rensselaer students may need to use iClicker personal response devices in their classes in order to participate in taking class attendance, offering feedback during class discussions, or taking online pop quizzes.

Learning Management System (Blackboard)

Rensselaer's Learning Management System allows professors, TAs and other instructors to set up and manage the online course materials that are available to their students.

Lecture Capture and Video

Instructors may request to have course work captured and cataloged using MediaSite, Webex and/or through Blackboard (LMS).

Library Research and Instruction Support

The Rensselaer Libraries offer live and recorded workshops, as well as an online self-guided tutorial about information literacy and the research process.

Polling and Survey Tool (Qualtrics)

In response to a rapidly increasing number of requests to survey the Rensselaer community, the Institute has adopted a survey procedure designed to manage requests to survey Rensselaer students, faculty, staff, parents, and/or alumni.


Rensselaer Computer Science faculty and their active students use Submitty to streamline homework submission and grading.
