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by Ashtyn Lubowitz 8 min read

Why choose the Little Seagull Handbook?

Affordable and easy to use, The Little Seagull Handbook is the #1 brief handbook because students say it has a positive impact on their writing. Intuitive organization, color-coding, and jargon-free instruction for common kinds of writing make it …

What is the Little Seagull?

THE LITTLE SEAGULL (TEXTBOOK + INQUIZATIVE CODE) Welcome to your FTCC Bookstore! The FTCC Bookstore is independently owned and operated by Fayetteville Technical Community College. We thank you for choosing to shop local and for helping our campus community by shopping with us. Your business directly impacts students and projects on our campus.

What's new in the Little Seagull 4?

the Little Seagull ebook help students learn to edit what they write, and gamelike elements even make working with grammar fun. InQuizitive can be used to diagnose issues students need to practice or assigned to provide practice with particular issues you identify in …

What are the chapters in the Little Seagull about?

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Affordable and easy to use, The Little Seagull Handbook is the #1 brief handbook because students say it has a positive impact on their writing. Intuitive organization, color-coding, and jargon-free instruction for common kinds of writing make it a reference tool that student writers truly use.


InQuizitive delivers a game-like approach to practicing sentence editing and working with sources. Adaptive activities and explanatory feedback, with links to the handbook, provide additional practice in areas where students need more help.


Instructors evaluating or assigning a text for a course are eligible for a complimentary copy. Instructors teaching outside of the United States should refer to our ordering page.

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Book Description

with Ebook and InQuizitive for Writers --This text refers to the paperback edition.

About the Author

Richard Bullock (Ph.D., University of Virginia) is professor emeritus of English at Wright State University, where he directed the writing programs and served as assistant chair of the English department.

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