legos blackboard

by Keenan Zemlak 5 min read

Blackboard Mobile App

The Blackboard Learn Mobile App is free for GCU users. The app is available for iOS and Android platforms. Pick the right app – The instructor app is called “Instructor”, and the student app is called “Student”. Go to either the Play Store or iTunes to download the app. Search for Georgian Court University and log in with your network credentials.


While there are many great features available on the mobile app, GCU does not recommend taking tests or quizzes on a mobile device such as a smart phone or tablet. This is important to prevent possible connectivity issues between your device and your wireless carrier.

Accepted Answer

Game Faqs, of course, has this answer in the "cheats" section for this game. There are several cheats to input there for gold bricks, score multipliers, spells, invincibility and more.

Top Voted Answer

As soon as the game begins, go directly to the Owl Emporium from the Leaky Cauldron. You must input cheats before you do anything else. If you do, the chalkboard will be blank.

Other Answers

Mine didn't work untill i ulocked it in the game with the red blocks. I belive the first one was in the courtyard on the way to herbology. then i unlocked the door on the right and did a second block up there.

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