kctcs student blackboard

by Deondre Feeney 4 min read

Can I send a message to a KCTCS student from Blackboard?

Blackboard Access. For many of our classes, you’ll need to access Blackboard, our online learning platform. Check the table below for a list of browsers you can use to access the system. There is an Orientation to Online Learning available to all students in Blackboard. After you log in, go to the "Courses" tab, and use the drop-down function ...

What if I have trouble logging in to KCTCS?

If you choose to, the message will not only be housed in Blackboard but will also be sent to the student’s KCTCS email address. CREATE A REMOTE TEACHING COLLABORATE SESSION Blackboard Collaborate is a useful tool that will allow you to hold real-time meetings with students from a distance.

How do I contact KCTCS for elearning?

Contact the instructor and ask for assistance. If your instructor cannot help or is unavailable, please contact the Center for eLearning during regular business hours, 859-815-7780, [email protected], or through our ticketing system. Contact the Blackboard Technical Help Desk: (855) 346-4282 (Option 4)

What is disability services at KCTCS?

Notice: Enable Compatibility Mode to login using Internet Explorer 10 or Alternatively you can use Mozilla Firefox


How do I access Blackboard on Kctcs?

Navigate to Mypath. Choose Blackboard and login if you are not automatically directed. Alternately, you can login directly at elearning.kctcs.edu.

How do I find my Kctcs ID?

Option 1. Please call 1(855) 246-2282. Then press option 5 for help with your account. Then press # to obtain your ID number.

What does Kctcs stand for?

Kentucky Community & Technical College SystemKentucky Community & Technical College System>About.

How do I register for classes at Kctcs?

Instructions for using Self-Service Registration Go to your Student Self Service. Log in with your user name and your password. Leave the location box blank. Type in the three letter prefix for your desired class (Example: ENG for English) in the course subject box.

What is a Kctcs student ID?

Your KCTCS Student ID (it's the nine-digit code at the top left corner of your schedule) Your personal email address (if you provided one when enrolling)

How do I access my Kctcs email?

General Android ConfigurationNavigate to Account Settings, and select Add Account.Choose Microsoft Exchange Activesync or "Corporate"Enter your email address and password and select Manual Setup.If prompted to accept the Activation Agreement, select Yes.In the Domain\Username field, enter your full email address.More items...

What is Kctcs Edu?

Website. www.kctcs.edu. The Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) comprises 16 community and technical colleges in Kentucky with over 70 campuses.

Is Kctcs a profit?

The KCTCS Foundation, Inc. Welcome to the not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) fundraising area of KCTCS. The Foundation was established in 1999 to advance the vision, mission, goals and objectives of KCTCS and be a cooperative and supportive resource for foundations and funding for the System.

Who is Jctc college president?

Dr. Ty J. HandyVersailles, Ky - Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) President Jay K. Box announced today the appointment of Dr. Ty J. Handy as president of Jefferson Community and Technical College (JCTC).

How many students are at Kctcs?

Fall 2020 Enrollment AND 2020-2021 CREDENTIALS AWARDEDDescriptionValueTotal Enrollment10,182FTE (TTL Credit Hours / 15)6,423

How do I register for classes at Jctc?

Log in to your student self-service account and access the Enroll feature:From the JCTC home page, click on Student Self-Service in the upper right-hand corner of the page. ... Once your student account has loaded, click on ENROLL, on the left-hand side of the page.A new screen will appear asking you to select your term.More items...

How do I schedule a class at Jctc?

If you're a KCTCS student, you can use the Visual Schedule Builder by going to your Student Self-Service Account....Want to try it out?Go to the Visual Schedule Builder.Choose your term (like Fall 2021 or Spring 2022)Choose a college.Choose a location.Check out the classes they have to offer.