kctcs blackboard course not currently available

by Roma Schinner 8 min read

How do I access KCTCS blackboard?

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

Should I take an online course at SKYCTC?

Accessing Blackboard There are three ways you can access KCTCS's Blackboard site. Visit MyPath and click on Blackboard. Log in to Blackboard if directed. You need your user ID for this (e.g., johndoe0001) and KCTCS password. Login directly to Blackboard. If you access your courses this way, please bookmark the page so you don't lose it.

Is there an orientation to online learning in Blackboard?

There are three ways you can access KCTCS's Blackboard site. Visit MyPath and click on Blackboard. Log in to Blackboard if directed. You need your user ID for this (e.g. jdoe0001) and KCTCS password. Login directly to Blackboard. If you access your courses this way, please bookmark the page so you don't lose it.

How do I get a certificate of completion in Blackboard?

For many of our classes, you’ll need to access Blackboard, our online learning platform. Check the table below for a list of browsers you can use to access the system. There is an Orientation to Online Learning available to all students in Blackboard. After you log in, go to the "Courses" tab, and use the drop-down function to choose ...


Why won't my courses show up on blackboard?

Courses may not appear in the My Courses module in Blackboard for a few reasons: The instructor has not yet published the course for student view (most common reason). The student has not yet successfully registered and paid for the course. There may be an issue with the student's enrollment.

How do you make a Blackboard course available?

Log into Blackboard Learn and enter the course. In the Course Management menu under Customization, click Properties. Under Set Availability, check the radio button next to "Yes" for Make Course Available. Click the Submit button.

What does unavailable mean in Blackboard?

not currently availableAs an Instructor, if under “My courses” on your Blackboard home page you see “not currently available” or “unavailable” after the course, this means the course is unavailable to students. Instructors can still access and edit the course.Jul 3, 2012

How do I get to Blackboard on Kctcs?

Accessing BlackboardVisit MyPath and click on Blackboard. Log in to Blackboard if directed. ... Login directly to Blackboard. ... Blackboard offers a free mobile app that is designed to allow you to view course content and participate in online course activities from your mobile devices including iOS and Android.

How long does it take for courses to show up on Blackboard?

It takes 24 hours for student courses to reflect in Blackboard. For your information, if you have registered for the course in the past day, please give the system 24 hours to add you into the Blackboard course.Jan 15, 2021

How do I change the course availability date on Blackboard?

Changing Course Section Availability DatesFrom the course panel on the left of the screen, select the “Customization” drop down menu.From the course panel on the left of the screen, select the “Customization” drop down menu.More items...

What does available mean in Blackboard?

About course availability Blackboard administrators, instructors, course builders, teaching assistants, and graders can see and access unavailable courses from the My Courses tab and the course list, but they're marked as unavailable. Students can't access unavailable courses regardless of the course duration.

How do I make students unavailable on Blackboard?

Click the contextual arrow next to the Username of the student whom you want to make 2. unavailable in the course. Select Change User's Availability in the Course.

How do I make Blackboard Collaborate available to students?

Add Tool Link Pop-up WindowType in a name for the Link, for example "Collaborate Ultra."Click on the drop-down menu and select Blackboard Collaborate Ultra from the list of options.Click the checkbox next to Available to Users to make the link immediately available to your students.More items...•Jan 4, 2019

How do I access my Kctcs email?

Login to your KCTCS email account via Office365. ATTENTION: If you are connecting from a non-KCTCS computer, you may be prompted for a username and password to access email. It is important that you use your full KCTCS email address as your username and your KCTCS password.

Where is the syllabus in Blackboard?

Uploading a Syllabus in Blackboard Click on the Syllabus Content Area within the course menu. Hover over the Build Content menu and select Syllabus.May 30, 2020

How often should I log into my Blackboard account?

Be sure to log into your Blackboard account regularly (at least daily) while taking an online course. This will enable you to read any course announcements. Some classes require weekly work while some allow more independent work. It is very important to be organized in knowing due dates for assignments and tests.

What browser do I use to access Blackboard?

Use only Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome when accessing Blackboard. Use your KCTCS username and password to access BB. In your Browser, for the best functionality, do not use the back button to navigate, use the navigation menu items or links! Use the course list to access certain classes.

What to do if you don't know your Blackboard password?

Your username and password are the same for Blackboard and email. If you don’t know your username and password, select “forgot password” to reset your password . You will be asked to supply your first/last name, birthdate, student identification number and student ID number to reset your account.

How to be successful in online classes?

To be successful in an online class, it requires discipline and good time management. You may want to consider taking a hybrid course first before enrolling into an online class. Communication is one of the keys to success in an online course, especially with your instructor. While your instructor may have a preferred communication method, ...

What is required to be successful in online courses?

Good time management is required to be successful in online courses. In order to be successful, those hours that would’ve been spent in the face-to-face class need to be set aside to work on the online course.

Can I take a hybrid class online?

Many college students take at least one online class. Even if you don’t take an online class, you may take a hybrid course, which means the course will have some face-to-face meeting time and will also use Blackboard as a delivery platform for a part of the class.

Is online learning for everyone?

Online course are not for everyone. Online courses require a computer with internet access and an email account. It is helpful if this is available at your home. Remember that online courses may be more convenient, but they are not easier.
