jason clay’s ted talk on how big companies can lead the way on biodiversity (blackboard)

by Payton Rohan 5 min read

Did Jason Clay present at a TED conference?

Aug 16, 2010 · Convince just 100 key companies to go sustainable, and WWF's Jason Clay says global markets will shift to protect the planet our consumption has already outgrown. Hear how his extraordinary roundtables are getting big brand rivals to agree on green practices first -- before their products duke it out on store shelves.

What is Jason Clay’s idea?

Aug 16, 2010 · Convince just 100 key companies to go sustainable, and WWF’s Jason Clay says global markets can protect the planet our consumption has already outgrown. Hear how his extraordinary roundtables are getting big brand rivals to agree on green practices first — before their products duke it out on store shelves. (Recorded at TEDGlobal 2010, July […]

What are the best TED Talks on company culture&building teams?

TED Talks Worth Sharing, Jason Clay: How big brands can help save biodiversity. I grew up on a small farm in Missouri. We lived on less than a dollar a day for about 15 years. I got a scholarship, went to university, studied international agriculture, studied anthropology, and decided I …

What are the best TED talks about the workforce crisis?

Jason Clay leads the work of WWF-US on agriculture, aquaculture, business and industry, finance, fisheries, and forests. Over the course of his career he has worked on a family farm and in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He has taught at Harvard and Yale and spent more than 25 years with human rights and environmental organizations.

What is the happy secret to better work?

If morale is an issue in your organ­i­sa­tion, The Hap­py Secret to Bet­ter Work by Shawn Achor is cer­tain­ly worth a watch. Hap­pi­ness is at the core of this moti­va­tion­al TED Talk, stat­ing that our brains at hap­py are 31 % more pro­duc­tive than when we are neg­a­tive, neu­tral or stressed. Shawn also dis­cuss­es the​”hap­pi­ness advan­tage”, explain­ing how when we are hap­py, our intel­li­gence ris­es, as does our cre­ativ­i­ty and ener­gy. On top of this, we expe­ri­ence less burnout and com­pa­nies with hap­py employ­ees ben­e­fit from less vol­un­tary turnover. So if you want to turn your com­pa­ny around, you should real­ly tai­lor your per­for­mance man­age­ment sys­tem to address and improve employ­ee morale.

Who is the author of the puzzle of moti­vation?

The Puz­zle of Moti­va­tion, a TED Talk by Dan Pink, dis­cuss­es the​”Car­rot and Stick” approach to moti­va­tion and explains why this approach is alto­geth­er too basic. Impor­tant­ly, Pink cov­ers the rela­tion­ship between pay and per­for­mance and dis­cuss­es how increased com­pen­sa­tion doesn’t always lead to improved productivity.

What is Pink's philosophy?

Rather than focus­ing on mon­ey, Pink argues we need to explore intrin­sic moti­va­tion. To achieve our SMART objec­tives and excel in our jobs, Pink says we need: 1 Auton­o­my — Employ­ees need to be giv­en the free­dom to achieve their objec­tives in their way. 2 Mas­tery — Mas­tery is improved by reg­u­lar one-to-one per­for­mance check-ins and feed­back ses­sions. These ses­sions help to improve com­pe­ten­cy, con­fi­dence and skills. 3 Pur­pose — This ele­ment can only be cre­at­ed when employ­ees are grant­ed gen­uine trans­paren­cy into the busi­ness, its direc­tion and busi­ness objec­tives. Employ­ees need to feel like they are an impor­tant part of a well-func­­tion­ing, cohe­sive team.

Why doesn't work happen at work?

Why Work Doesn’t Hap­pen At Work by Jason Fried is a moti­va­tion­al TED Talk for for­ward-think­ing busi­ness lead­ers. Fried cov­ers the fact that, in many ways, the office envi­ron­ment isn’t the best place to get work done. We’re sub­ject to dis­trac­tions (in the form of meet­ings and man­agers), and many employ­ees get a decent amount of work done at home, in tran­sit or before or after tra­di­tion­al office hours. This talk chal­lenges the tra­di­tion­al (and out­dat­ed) view that all work should occur in an office and address­es the unrea­son­able (but com­mon­ly held) assump­tion that employ­ees won’t do work if they aren’t super­vised. This is a key talk for any busi­ness that is look­ing to tran­si­tion into flex­i­ble work­ing. It will leave you feel­ing excit­ed about your company’s future.

What makes us feel good about our work?

In What Makes Us Feel Good about Our Work, Dan Ariely cov­ers a top­ic key to great per­for­mance man­age­ment — employ­ee moti­va­tion. In this TED Talk, Ariely dis­cuss­es the fact that even today, man­agers tend to have an over­ly sim­plis­tic view of why peo­ple work. Rather than work being all about mon­ey, Ariely reveals a num­ber of key moti­va­tors (mean­ing, cre­ation, chal­lenge, own­er­ship, iden­ti­ty and pride) that keep employ­ees com­ing back to their desks every sin­gle morning.

What is autonomy in employment?

Auton­o­my — Employ­ees need to be giv­en the free­dom to achieve their objec ­tives in their way. Mas­tery — Mas­tery is improved by reg­u­lar one-to-one per­for­mance check-ins and feed­back ses­sions. These ses­sions help to improve com­pe­ten­cy, con­fi­dence and skills.

How does Vishen Lakhiani build the greatest workplace?

Here, Vishen Lakhiani outlines 5 ways to build the world’s greatest workplace. Happiness, a noble mission, quests, personal growth and tribal dynamics. He shows how he has applied these principles to his own company.

What does Dan Ariely suggest?

He suggests that you should create a culture of acknowledgement and meaning for a more productive, happier workforce.

Who is Simon Sinek?

Simon Sinek has an incredibly simple model for how leaders can be inspirational. He shows, with examples like Apple, how great leaders inspire action with the ‘why’ — the purpose, the mission etc.

What is Dan Pink's motivational talk?

Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation. In this talk, Dan Pink looks at using rewards to motivate people. He argues that traditional rewards are not effective — financial incentives can actually have a negative impact on overall performance. You should focus on three things instead — autonomy, mastery and purpose.

Why don't things get done at work?

Here, Jason Fried argues the reason things don’t get done at work is because people get distracted by managers and meetings (or “M&Ms”). He distinguishes between voluntary and involuntary distractions, claiming that involuntary distractions happen the most while at the office.

Who is the founder of the African Leadership Network?

Africa has struggled to live up to its development goals, and its leaders are to blame, says TED Fellow and founder of the African Leadership Network Fred Swaniker. Having lived throughout Africa, Swaniker highlights the vital role true leaders play in building a society, and what can happen in their absence.

How many copies of Purpose Driven Life have been sold?

His book, Purpose-Driven Life, has sold more than 30 million copies. The church he pastors, Saddleback Church, has more than 22,000 members. Clearly, Rick Warren understands a few things about leadership. This video is an intimate presentation of his own thoughts and crises around leadership.

What is the puzzle of motivation?

The Puzzle of Motivation, by Dan Pink. To be an effective leader, you need to know what makes people “tick,” and especially what motivates them in the workplace to give you their best. Interestingly enough, money only takes you so far.

Who is Nancy Duarte?

Author and CEO Nancy Duarte gets it, and that’s why she developed this 18-minute talk to help aspiring leaders take their presentation skills to the next level. Duarte dissects the speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Steve Jobs to uncover the essential qualities of a great presentation.

Why do people go to work every day?

The real motivation for going to work every day is to make constant progress and lead a life of purpose. Strong leaders care about the bottom line, but are about much more than that. They have a sense of purpose, and get out of bed every single day to fulfill it. 6.