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Blackboard Learn is the enterprise-level learning management system licensed by CUNY for use on all CUNY campuses. Blackboard Learn allows students and faculty to participate in classes delivered online or use online materials and activities to complement face-to-face teaching.
Students can self-enroll into the course by using the Course search tool within Blackboard. The steps for enrolling in the course are the same as enrolling in an Organization, except that the site is located using the Course Search module on the Blackboard Home tab.
Folders are useful for organizing and structuring content within a Content Area. For example, instructors may add folders for each week of the course to a Content Area, or organize the Content Area by topic. Once a folder is created, content and additional subfolders may be added to it. To create a folder: 1.
The Java™ Access Bridge is a technology that enables assistive technologies, such as screen readers and magnifiers, to access Java applications and applets. To use Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing version 12.6 or higher with the JAWS screen reader, you must enable Java Access Bridge version 2.0.3 or higher.
The version of Java that comes bundled with the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher does not support the Java Access Bridge.
One such feature is support for the JAWS screen reader. Blackboard supports JAWS versions 13 and 14. Older versions of JAWS may work but Blackboard does not officially support them. The full set of accessibility features is available only in the English version of Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing 12.6 or later.