is the redo feature available in blackboard

by Ms. Else Stiedemann V 8 min read

How does the blackboard app work?

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How do I view my Blackboard Learn course files offline?

Students use the Blackboard app for students to access their courses instead. With Blackboard Instructor, you can perform these tasks: Preview course items, assignments, and tests. Participate in discussions. Send announcements. Interact with your class in Blackboard Collaborate. Grade assignments (Original courses only) Change item settings ...

What languages does the blackboard app support?

The Blackboard app is available on iOS and Android. Blackboard Learn, accessed on a web browser, is a robust learning management system with great breadth and depth of functionality. Some features are available only in the web browser view of Blackboard Learn.

Why is my institution's activity stream not showing in Blackboard Learn?

Oct 22, 2020 · Overview. The Blackboard Text Editor, or Visual Text Box Editor (VTBE) is typically the “Description” field where instructors will add information about a course element they have created. This is also used when instructors provide feedback to students when grading, and where messages to the class or individual students are composed.


What is a blackboard instructor?

Blackboard Instructor shows only the courses where you're enrolled as an instructor, TA, course builder, or other custom role. Students use the Blackboard app for students to access their courses instead. With Blackboard Instructor, you can perform these tasks: Preview course items, assignments, and tests. Participate in discussions.

What languages does Blackboard Instructor speak?

Blackboard Instructor is available in over 30 languages, including English, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Italian, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. See the full list of supported languages in the release notes.

How to use Blackboard Collaborate?

In the Blackboard app, you can perform these tasks: 1 View course items and course announcements 2 Take assignments and tests 3 Participate in discussions 4 Interact with your instructor and class in Blackboard Collaborate 5 Access both Original and Ultra courses

What is the default screen in Blackboard Learn?

After you log in, the default intial screen is the activity stream. If your institution is able to set a landing page for Blackboard Learn, such as the course list, the app matches that setting. If the landing page is set to the institution page, the activity stream shows instead because institution pages aren't available in the app.

What languages does Blackboard app work in?

The Blackboard app is available in over 30 languages, including English, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Italian, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. See the full list of supported languages in the release notes. The language of the app comes from your device's operating system, not your Blackboard Learn language preference.
