is blackboard iavalley site down

by Prof. Brenden Braun 5 min read

What does blackboard do?

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

What is the blackboard heat map?

Blackboard will be deploying our Collaborate v22.06 release to the Asia Pacific region (, hosted in AWS (Asia Pacific - Sydney): ap-southeast-2.Start Time: Thursday, April 14, 2022 1:00 AM AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) UTC/GMT +10 hours

Is there a widespread outage on Blackboard?

Jan 13, 2022 · Blackboard LMS information for the Iowa Valley Community College District Blackboard LMS for IVCCD is at The Blackboard Mobile App … –

How do I check blackboard’s services status?

(Username is your email address i.e. [email protected]) Marshalltown Financial Aid Award System Ellsworth Financial Aid Award System MCC Library ECC Library MCC Bookstore ECC Bookstore Free Microsoft Office MCC Transcript Requests ECC Transcript Requests Job Search EXi/J1 Advising Employee Intranet Catalytic Coaching (Preferred internet ...


When will Blackboard learn SaaS 3900.17.0 be released?

Identified - As part of our commitment to release quality, we’re delaying the Blackboard Learn SaaS 3900.17.0 release to GovCloud client Productions servers in the US-East timezone, previously scheduled for Thursday, July 1, 2021.

Can you access behind the blackboard?

Users can access Behind the Blackboard but some functionality can be unavailable or running at less than optimal performance. General and intermittent slow performance, timeouts, and connectivity issues are possible. Salesforce has identified the fix and is continuing to work to apply and stabilize the service.

What is a blackboard assignment?

Blackboard Assignment Tool provides an efficient method to grade assignments, papers, videos, etc. Students can upload their work via Blackboard which instructors can, in turn, provide feedback and grades back to students. Utilize the tutorials below to understand a multitude of ways the Blackboard Assignment Tool can be used.

What is Kaltura Reach?

Kaltura REACH is an integrated video captioning service provided by Kaltura. The tool creates a caption overlay on video and audio uploaded or created with Kaltura. The service is available in Blackboard for ease of use. For more information regarding recording and captioning best practices visit the links below.

What is Kaltura Capture?

Kaltura Capture is a recording tool that allows instructors and students to record and post videos to their Blackboard site. Using the Kaltura Capture tool, instructors can easily embed video announcements and lectures for their courses, and students can record video responses to discussion boards and assignments.

What is the instructional innovation and support division?

The Instructional Innovation & Support Division has scheduled a series of pop-up webinars to be held over the coming weeks . These webinars are scheduled to present tools and promising practices faculty can use to support their course development.

Can faculty add content to Blackboard?

Faculty can add various content to their Blackboard course for students to access such as Word docs, PDF's and more by "Adding an Item". Related files can also be organized by using a "Content Folder", much like organizing in a folder on a computer.
