import course cartridge blackboard

by Pamela VonRueden 9 min read

How do I import a course cartridge into Blackboard?

On the Course Management Pane, click Packages and Utilities and then click Import Course Cartridge. Type the Course Cartridge Download Key in the field provided. Course Cartridge content will be added to Course materials. Click Submit when finished.

What is a course cartridge in Blackboard?

Course cartridges are publisher-made courses, available to instructors that adopt textbooks with a course cartridge component. Not all books will have course cartridges available.Jan 11, 2012

What is common cartridge?

Common Cartridge (CC) is a set of open standards developed by the IMS member community that enable interoperability between content and systems. Common Cartridge basically solves two problems.

What is an LMS course cartridge?

Common Cartridge is an initiative led by the IMS Global Learning Consortium to promote sharing across Learning Management Systems (LMS).