i can see my iclicker scors on reef but not on blackboard uic

by Ms. Bridgette Abernathy 5 min read

Do I need an iClicker base for my students?

Reef - iClicker Student

What is iClicker and how does it work?

Nov 11, 2021 · The default frequency used by the iClicker base is AA. If your instructor has set the base to a different frequency, you will have to change the remote's broadcast frequency. A. Press the On/Off (power) button on their clicker until the blue Power light begins flashing.

How do I Register my iClicker remote for a class?

Jan 06, 2022 · Join the poll. A banner will appear on your screen when your instructor has started class. Select Join to participate. Selecting the Join button checks you in for class, if your instructor has enabled Attendance. It also marks the start of your Focused session, if your instructor has enabled Focus.

How do I participate in iClicker classroom activities on my computer?

Sign into your iClicker Reef student web app or create an account now to participate in iClicker classroom activities on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone. ... You do not need an iClicker base if all of your students are participating using mobile devices or laptops and you are not using the iClicker instructor remote.

How do I connect my iClicker to Blackboard?

which you want to synchronize the grades to Blackboard • Go to iClicker.com and sign into your online iClicker instructor account. Make sure to select the Gradebook tab, then click Sync Grades. indicates that the student has used the iClicker link within your Blackboard course.

Why isn't my iClicker app working?

Try to install the latest version of iClicker Student through the app store (in case your phone isn't set to automatically update apps), or try deleting/uninstalling the app and reinstalling it. Log out of the iClicker student app and log back in again. Restart your phone or computer. Try clearing your cache.Jun 21, 2021

How do I know if my iClicker is working?

If registering through iClicker.com You should have seen a confirmation screen if you registered correctly on the iClicker website. If for some reason you have not been added to your instructor's roster or you do not see your iClicker grades in the gradebook, you can simply complete the registration form again.Dec 15, 2021

How do I use iClicker cloud student?

Checklist: Getting Started with iClicker CloudStep 1: Create a free iClicker Cloud instructor account. ... Step 2: Create a course. ... Step 3: Manage course settings. ... Step 4: Decide how you will add grades from iClicker Cloud to your main gradebook. ... Step 5: Download the iClicker Cloud desktop software. ... Step 6: Try it out!More items...•Dec 17, 2021

What is Reef polling by iClicker?

iClicker/Reef. iClicker is a classroom interactive response system that allows students to participate in polls and answer questions during class. Students can respond with a physical iClicker remote or their mobile device using the Student iClicker app (if enabled).Oct 26, 2021

Do Iclickers work from home?

Meet our new Assignments feature. Whether you're delivering courses online, at a scheduled class time or even completely asynchronously, iClicker has you covered.

How do I check in with iClicker Reef?

Students can conveniently check in for free via their mobile phones or via their web browser. After class, manage your roster & attendance data conveniently from your iClicker Cloud account. Students also get a record of their attendance in their iClicker student account.

How do I register my iClicker reef app?

You can do this in one of two ways:Go to join.iclicker.com and enter your instructor's course-specific join code, or navigate to your instructor's course-specific join link.Use the + icon to search for and add the course in the mobile or web app. ... Learn more.Dec 17, 2021

How do you use the iClicker reef app?

iClicker Cloud: Syncing your Reef account with CanvasAccess your course within Canvas and click the iClicker Sync button within the course menu.Click Launch iClicker Reef.Sign in using the account you created while downloading the Reef mobile app in the steps above.Your Reef account is now linked with Canvas!

Do you have to pay for iClicker Reef?

Students/participants will have a free 14-day iClicker Reef trial and will then need to purchase a subscription to continue using it to answer polls.

Can I use iClicker reef from home?

Yes. iClicker Cloud supports the use of mobile devices and laptops in your class. iClicker Cloud allows for students to participate using mobile devices and laptops by default. If you are using iClicker Classic, you must enable the use of mobile devices and laptops in your course settings.

Do you need an iClicker to use reef?

Q: Do I need an iClicker base if my students are using mobile devices or laptops? A: No. You do not need an iClicker base if all of your students are participating using mobile devices or laptops and you are not using the iClicker instructor remote.

Why is a clicker required for my class?

Like many instructors, yours has decided that incorporating classroom response system technology helps foster discussion among your classmates, gives your instructor a clear sense of how the class is doing, and ultimately improves comprehension and learning. These results have been confirmed repeatedly by education studies.

How long will my batteries last?

New batteries supply approximately 200 hours of use. The "Low Battery" light will flash red when you need to replace your batteries. Once this light begins flashing, you have approximately 10 hours or less of battery power remaining. Your clicker uses 3 AAA batteries. New iClicker remotes include 3 AAA batteries.

How do I change my batteries?

On the back of your iClicker is a small slot. You will need to insert a paperclip or similar device (such as the tip of a pen) to release the battery cover, allowing you to remove and replace the batteries.

What if I forget to turn off my iClicker?

iClicker remotes have two battery-saving features. As long as a remote is actively communicating with a receiver (i.e. you are using it to vote), the remote will remain on for 90 minutes after the last vote. If a remote is accidentally turned on or buttons are compressed but the remote is not communicating with a receiver (i.e.

Will my iClicker remote work in other classes?

Yes, as long as your other instructors are also using iClicker software and hardware. There are other clickers available, none of which are cross-compatible, so you will need to confirm that your other professors are also using iClicker and not another system, like the previously supported Turning Technologies clicker system.

What if I am having problems with my iClicker?

There is a standard one-year limited warranty on your clicker. If a problem occurs during class, let your instructor know immediately. They may have a loaner clicker available for you to use for the duration of the class.

Do I have to register my iClicker?

Not necessarily. Your instructor will likely tell you if they expect you to register your clicker in one of the first few classes of the term. One benefit to iClicker, you don't have to register your clicker before being able to use it.

Join the poll

A banner will appear on your screen when your instructor has started class. Select Join to participate. Selecting the Join button checks you in for class, if your instructor has enabled Attendance. It also marks the start of your Focused session, if your instructor has enabled Focus.

Read the question and select your answer

For Multiple Choice questions, selecting an answer will automatically send it. For Multiple Answer, Numeric, Target, and Short Answer questions, you must press the Send button to submit your answer.

Anonymous questions

If your instructor is asking an Anonymous question, an Anonymous icon will appear above the answer choices. In this instance, your answer will not be tied to your identity, but submitting an answer will count for any participation points your instructor awards.

Rate your confidence in your response

If your instructor has enabled it for the poll, a confidence rating will appear at the bottom of the screen once you submit your response to the poll. You'll select your level of confidence in your response: Not confident, Somewhat confident, Confident, or Very confident.

Viewing results

When your instructor stops a poll, you can view the correct response and, if your instructor has chosen to share them, the class results. On the web app, you will need to select the Results button to view the class results on a new screen. On the iOS/Android apps, the results will appear on the same screen.

Continue answering questions

Each time your instructor starts a new poll, the question and the answer buttons automatically appear. Continue responding to questions until your instructor ends the class session. If you accidentally quit the iClicker student app during a session, simply select the course again and choose to rejoin the session.

Answer an exit poll

Your instructor may end class with an exit poll. Learn more about exit poll notifications and responses.

Configure your iClicker software

When the LMS_Wizard.xml integration file is detected in your iClicker Classic Resources folder, the software will recognize you are using Canvas as your LMS. You must match each Canvas course to each iClicker course (for the courses in which you plan to use the integration).

Enable student registration in Canvas

Students using iClicker remotes must register their iClicker remote IDs in Canvas to receive credit for their iClicker responses. Although students using the iClicker mobile or web app cannot register through Canvas, they must ensure that the student ID in their iClicker account matches the student ID in your roster.

Synchronize your roster

You can import your student roster (complete with registration data) into iClicker so polling data can be credited to your students. It is recommended that you Sync Roster after drop/add periods are over in order to keep your roster up-to-date.

Upload iClicker polling data

After you’ve polled your students in class, your polling data will appear in the iClicker Gradebook. You can view students’ points, adjust scores, delete questions, synchronize registrations, and export/upload student polling data into your Canvas gradebook.

Review iClicker scores in Canvas

Once you have uploaded your iClicker polling data to your Canvas course, you can review the scores within the LMS.

Bring your own device

Use your iPhone or Android device to participate in iClicker polls and quizzes.

View questions & answers

Review all of the questions asked during class. View the question images, your answers, the correct answers, and how the rest of the class answered.

Enjoy advanced question types

Answer questions by tapping on an image or sending a tweet length response.

Q: Can my students use mobile devices or laptops in my class?

A: Yes. iClicker Cloud supports the use of mobile devices and laptops in your class. iClicker Cloud allows for students to participate using mobile devices and laptops by default. If you are using iClicker Classic, you must enable the use of mobile devices and laptops in your course settings.

Q: Do I need an iClicker base if my students are using mobile devices or laptops?

A: No. You do not need an iClicker base if all of your students are participating using mobile devices or laptops and you are not using the iClicker instructor remote.

Q: Are you planning to discontinue the iClicker remotes?

A: No. We have no plans to discontinue the iClicker remotes. Students can choose to participate with iClicker remotes, mobile devices or laptops.