i attached a file on the discussion board in blackboard but i dont see it

by Lizzie Douglas III 3 min read

How do I attach a file to a discussion board?

May 26, 2021 · If you are looking for i attached a file on the discussion board in blackboard but i dont see it, simply check out our links below : 1. Blackboard Help for Students (Discussion Board) https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Student/Interact/Discussions If a group discussion board is available, you can find it in the groups link on the …

How to insert an image into a blackboard discussion?

Feb 09, 2021 · There are problems with adding attachments to student email or uploading files in Blackboard with the internet browsers Edge, Internet Explorer, and Safari. Files may not upload/attach or may be blank, completely empty. We recommend using Chrome or Firefox. Do not use Edge, Safari or Internet Explorer. 2.

What are discussions in Blackboard Learn?

Yes. You can attach files to other course content, such as documents, assignments, and tests. You can also insert files with the editor so students and other course members see the file alongside other content you add. Use the editor to insert files in discussions or messages.

How do I upload a video to a discussion board post?

How to attach a file in Brightspace: *Scroll down to see Schoology instructions. Within a Discussion Board Post: Write your discussion board response. Under the text box click on the arrow to the right of “Add Attachments.” Click “Upload” to select a file on your computer or drag the file into the box.

Can you attach files to a discussion post on Blackboard?

Yes. You can attach files to other course content, such as documents, assignments, and tests. You can also insert files with the editor so students and other course members see the file alongside other content you add. Use the editor to insert files in discussions or messages.

How do you add an attachment to a discussion board?

Within a Discussion Board Post:Write your discussion board response.Under the text box click on the arrow to the right of “Add Attachments.”Click “Upload” to select a file on your computer or drag the file into the box.You can also click on “Record” to record a video or audio file.When you're ready, click “Post.”More items...

Why can't I attach a file to Blackboard?

There are problems with adding attachments to student email or uploading files in Blackboard with the internet browsers Edge, Internet Explorer, and Safari. Files may not upload/attach or may be blank, completely empty. We recommend using Chrome or Firefox. Do not use Edge, Safari or Internet Explorer.Feb 9, 2021

How do I see my discussion post on Blackboard?

On the course menu, select Discussions. On the course menu, select Tools and then Discussion Board....Open the Discussion BoardSelect a forum title to view the messages. ... Select a forum to open the thread of posts.More items...

How do you post in a discussion?

How should I include in my first post?Answer the question. Do this first if possible. ... Give evidence. Provide an explanation for your point of view, and use evidence from your text, notes, or outside research (where appropriate) to support your point.Explain the connection.Oct 16, 2020

How do I insert a PDF into discussion board?

Embed a file with preview in a discussion replyIn the text editor, click the document icon in the text editor. ... Click the document icon and select Upload Document.Follow the directions to upload your PDF or Word Document. ... When you see the filename, this means the file is uploaded.More items...

How do I attach a file in Blackboard email?

Enter the message in the "Message" field. To add an attachment, select the "Attach a File" link. Select the "Browse" button and locate the file you want to attach. Select the file and click the "Open" button.

How do I embed something in Blackboard?

To embed the content, select Insert/Edit Media from Web from the editor. Paste the link in Media URL. Select Insert. To edit the image's source or alternative text, select the image in the editor and then select Insert/Edit Image from Web.

Can you delete your discussion post on Blackboard?

Editing and deleting discussion posts You can edit or delete your own posts only if your instructor has made those options available to you. You cannot edit or delete others' posts. If you post a message in error and the option to delete it is not available to you, contact your instructor.

Can you delete a discussion post on Blackboard as a student?

Delete discussion topics, responses, and replies Students can delete only their own discussions, responses, and replies. Students can't edit their discussion titles after they create discussions. Open the menu for a response or reply to access the Edit and Delete functions.

How do I edit my discussion post on Blackboard as a student?

When you create or edit a forum, you control if students may edit their published posts.Open a forum and select a thread.On the thread's page, point to a post so that all of the functions appear and select Edit.The editor appears. Make edits while you view the original post.Select Submit.