
by Fidel Heller IV 6 min read

How do I access my CCRI blackboard?

To access Blackboard, go to the home page and hover over "Login" in the top-right of browser window, then select "Blackboard" from the drop-down menu, then log in using your CCRI username and password. Now you're in!Oct 15, 2021

Is CCRI free for 2 years?

The RI Promise program allows Rhode Island residents who meet program eligibility criteria to attend CCRI for up to two years free of tuition and mandatory fees. These are costs that every CCRI student is required to pay to enroll in classes.

Does CCRI have an app?

With the "Blackboard" app for students, you can access your courses/content on your mobile device as well as participate in your courses.Oct 14, 2020

How do I log into my CCRI email?

Use your CCRI Account username and default password to login to MyCCRI, If you have questions about retrieving your username, please contact the Help Desk at 825- 1112.Aug 16, 2021

Is CCRI really free?

All Rhode Islanders coming right out of high school are eligible to pursue associate degrees at CCRI tuition-free.Feb 16, 2022

How do I pay my CCRI tuition?

You may pay your bill at the Bursar's Office on any of the College's four main campuses during normal business hours. On campus, you may pay by cash, check, money order or credit card. CCRI accepts MasterCard, VISA, Discover, and American Express on campus.Nov 1, 2021

How many students attend CCRI?

Of the nearly 20,000 students enrolled at CCRI annually, over 95% are Rhode Island residents. With locations in Warwick, Providence, Lincoln, and Newport, and classes offered at the Westerly Education Center, you're never far from a CCRI campus.

Does CCRI have dorms?

Community College A does not provide on-campus housing for their students.

What is the acceptance rate of CCRI?

It is a mid-size institution with an enrollment of 6,081 undergraduate students. The CCRI acceptance rate is 100%.

How do I find my student ID number CCRI?

The easiest way to find your CCRI ID is to look on your CCRI ID card. Your CCRI ID number is the 8-digit number under your name. Don't have a card?May 7, 2021

How do I check my grades on CCRI?

Viewing Your Grades in MyCCRILog in to your MyCCRI account and click on the For Students tab.In the Student Grades channel, click on the arrow next to the Select Another Term drop-down menu. Select the term for which you wish to view your grades. ... View Midterm Grade or Final Grades when they become available.Aug 24, 2021