how to use online attendance in blackboard

by Elmer Schmeler II 8 min read

  • Enable attendance. You can enable/disable attendance from the Admin Panel > Tools and Utilities > Tools > Attendance. Attendance is disabled by default for both the Ultra and Original Experiences.
  • Regional attendance support. The attendance feature is available in regions where Blackboard has AWS data centers, with the exception of the GovCloud and China regions.
  • Export attendance data. You can export attendance data from Learn courses and import it into your SIS. ...
  • Attendance date in course archives. Attendance data is included with other student data in course archives.
  • Attendance and course copy. Don't copy content into an existing course if an attendance column appears in the existing course. You'll add another attendance column to the course's Grade Center.
  • Collaborate attendance reporting. Let Collaborate take attendance for you. Blackboard Learn instructors can host a Collaborate session without tracking attendance manually.

Part of a video titled Mark Attendance in Blackboard Learn - YouTube
To access the attendance page in the ultra course view select mark attendance and the details onMoreTo access the attendance page in the ultra course view select mark attendance and the details on actions panel on the course content page.

Full Answer

How to check your grades on Blackboard?

Feb 03, 2021 · 6. Take Attendance in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra – USC Upstate. You can use Blackboard Collaborate Ultra attendance reports to. • Send attendance records of Collaborate Ultra session attendees to the Blackboard learning. 7.

How to verify attendance?

On the Attendance page, select Add Attendance and the Settings panel opens. You can change the default settings for the grade display and for Late in the grade schema. You can't change the percentages for Present, Absent, and Excused at this time. …

How do I Check my attendance?

Enable attendance. You can enable/disable attendance from the Admin Panel > Tools and Utilities > Tools > Attendance. Attendance is disabled by default for the Original experience. Attendance is powered by a building block bundled with Blackboard Learn.

How do I track attendance?

Feb 08, 2021 · To take attendance for a previous class meeting: 1. Click on the Overall view option. 2. Locate the student you want to mark attendance for, and click in that … 10. Blackboard – Attendance – …


Meeting view

In the Meeting view, you can mark each student's attendance. You can also use the menu in a status's heading to mark all students present or absent. Then, you can change individual students' statuses or clear all marks. Your work is saved as you go.

Overall view

In the Overall view, you can mark attendance, view attendance history and class summary statistics, and create new meetings.

Student summary in grade pill

The grade pill for each student displays the overall attendance grade with the schema you chose in the Settings panel, such as A+ instead of 100. Select student names to view summaries of their overall attendance records. You can see how many class meetings each student has missed. This view is read-only.

Overall course summary

The Overall view displays course summary statistics about your students' attendance. These statistics are included:

Add a meeting

In the Overall view, you can add more than one meeting for attendance on a day. For example, if your class met for a field trip after your regularly scheduled class, you can add a meeting and mark who was present. Select the plus icon next to an existing meeting's date to add a new meeting.

Delete a meeting

You can delete a meeting in either view, but at least one meeting must remain. You can't have an empty Attendance page. If you have only one meeting and you delete it, a new Today meeting replaces it.

Specific scenarios and the results

If you copy a course with attendance data into a new course or an existing course with no attendance data, the source course's attendance data is not copied. One attendance grade column without data is added that you can delete.

Word of Caution

WARNING: If you do NOT wish to use Blackboard Learn’s Attendance Tool, DO NOT CLICK on Attendance under Course Tools in the Control Panel menu. Clicking Attendance in Course Tools WILL generate a Grade Center column that cannot be deleted.

Attendance Workshop Video

Watch the video recording (19:28) of the " Bb09: Integrate Attendance Data Into the Grade Center Using the Bb Learn Attendance Tool" workshop.

Written Instructions

Blackboard Learn now has an Attendance tool. For each session, you mark students as present, late, absent or excused. A column is automatically generated in Grade Center and can be included in a “Totals” column for final grades. Check out this video demo to get a brief overview.

Using Blackboard Learn Attendance Tool with Weighted Grading

If you use Blackboard Learn’s weighted grading column, as with all grade-related columns, you will need to add the Attendance column to the “Selected Columns” list in the Weighted Total column and set the desired weight percentage.

Using Blackboard Learn Attendance Tool without Including in Grade Center Calculations

If you wish to use the Attendance tool to keep a record of students’ status for each class session, but you do not wish to include attendance in the total grade, you will need to change a couple of settings as noted below:

What Do Students See?

If the course instructor allows it, students can view their attendance history in My Grades (accessed via Tools in the student section of the Course Menu). As shown in the screenshot below, students need to click on either the All tab or Graded tab. Attendance will appear as a row in the list of graded items.

Learn More

For more information on the Blackboard Attendance Tool, visit Blackboard Instructor Help or request a consultation with an Educational Technologist.

Do instructors use attendance data?

Many instructors use attendance data as part of their students' overall grades. Also, some institutions and programs have attendance policies that require instructors to track the number of class meetings students have missed.

Can you collaborate on Blackboard?

Blackboard Learn instructors can host a Collaborate session without tracking attendance manually. Based on criteria you and your instructors can set, Collaborate tracks if a student is present, late, or absent from a session.

Accessing the Attendance Tool

Within your Blackboard course, navigate to the Course Managemen t area, and click on Course Tools.

Taking Attendance for Previous Meetings

Zoom: Image of the attendance tool with the following items: 1.Click on the Overall toggle to view all sessions.2.Locate the student you want to mark attendance for, and click the Mark link in that student's cell.3.Select the student's attendance status (present, late, absent, or excused) from the list.


Word of Caution

  • WARNING: If you do NOT wish to use Blackboard Learn’s Attendance Tool, DO NOT CLICK on Attendance under Course Tools in the Control Panel menu. Clicking Attendance in Course Tools WILL generate a Grade Center column that cannot be deleted. The work-around, should you accidentally do this, is to edit the Attendance column to not feed into the Totals column, hide it f…
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Attendance Workshop Video

  • Watch the video recording (19:28) of the "Bb09: Integrate Attendance Data Into the Grade Center Using the Bb Learn Attendance Tool" workshop.
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Written Instructions

  • Blackboard Learn now has an Attendance tool. For each session, you mark students as present, late, absent or excused. A column is automatically generated in Grade Center and can be included in a “Totals” column for final grades. Check out this video demoto get a brief overview. Blackboard’s Attendance tool can be used with or without feeding into the final grade. Upon acti…
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* Important

  • Regardless of how you choose to use Blackboard Attendance, through our early testing of the tool, we learned it is NOT A GOOD IDEA to change the points possible after you start taking attendance. This seems to freeze students’ report status going forward.
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Using Blackboard Learn Attendance Tool with Weighted Grading

  • If you use Blackboard Learn’s weighted grading column, as with all grade-related columns, you will need to add the Attendance column to the “Selected Columns” list in the Weighted Total column and set the desired weight percentage.
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What Do Students See?

  • If the course instructor allows it, students can view their attendance history in My Grades (accessed via Tools in the student section of the Course Menu). As shown in the screenshot below, students need to click on either the All tab or Graded tab. Attendance will appear as a row in the list of graded items. The Attendance row gives the overall score (or Percentage if set as th…
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Learn More

  • For more information on the Blackboard Attendance Tool, visit Blackboard Instructor Help or request a consultationwith an Educational Technologist.
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