how to use course content from on course to a new course on blackboard

by Justen Cronin 3 min read On the Control Panel

Control Panel

The Control Panel is a component of Microsoft Windows that provides the ability to view and change system settings. It consists of a set of applets that include adding or removing hardware and software, controlling user accounts, changing accessibility options, and accessing networking …

, expand the Packages and Utilities section and select Course Copy. Select the appropriate option: Copy Course Materials into a New Course.

Part of a video titled Copy Course Content in Blackboard - YouTube
At the top of the page under select copy type use the drop down menu to choose the option copy.MoreAt the top of the page under select copy type use the drop down menu to choose the option copy. Course materials into an existing course.

Full Answer

How do I copy content from one Blackboard course to another?

Dec 10, 2021 · The new version of Blackboard system 9.1 has split the former “Copy” … The “Move” function is available for all objects you can use in a content area, … of a course copy that includes the content area, the tests/surveys/pools, …

What happens if I don't select a course in Blackboard Learn?

Select the course into which you would like your content copied (the ‘destination’ course). Click Submit. Under Select Course Materials, Click Select All – even if you only want to copy certain items. Because of the way that Blackboard stores certain files and items, complete course copies are almost always more successful than partial ...

How do I change the course id on my blackboard account?

Feb 17, 2022 · In the Content Collection, go to the folder that contains the file or folder you want to move. Select the check box next to the item and select Move. You can also access the Move option in the item’s menu. Enter the path to the destination folder or select Browse to locate and select the destination folder. 5.

How do I make copies of my course content?

Click on desired Content Area from the Course Menu. 2. Under Control Panel, use the pulldown next to “Packages and Utilities” to choose Export/Archive course. On the next screen, you will probably find that there are no existing export files. You will now create an export file by clicking the “Export” button. 3.


What file types can you view on Blackboard?

You can view Microsoft ® Word, Excel ®, PowerPoint ®, and PDF documents.

What is Blackboard Ally?

Blackboard Ally provides a way for you to generate alternative formats for course content to make it more accessible. If you currently see Ally in the web browser view of your Ultra or Original course, you can use it in the app as well. When you access a file your instructor uploaded to your course, you can put Ally to work.

What is learning module?

A learning module is a container for organized collections of content. Your instructor may require you to complete the content in a sequence or allow you to explore the content in any order.

Can you manually add a folder to a course?

Folders cannot be manually added to the courses or organizations top level folders, but subfolders may be added using Add Folder once inside the specific course or organization folder.

What is a course folder?

The course folder may be used as a sandbox for each course's instructors, teaching assistants, and course builders to create and share documentation amongst themselves. Additional permissions do not have to be applied because these roles already have default Full permission for their courses.
