how to upload a voicethread on blackboard

by Jacinto Gorczany 8 min read

  1. Sign in to your Blackboard account.
  2. Navigate to your course.
  3. Click on the VoiceThread LTI link.
  4. Use VoiceThread.

How do I upload VoiceThread?

Uploading media from your libraryTap on the create button on your Home Page.Tap “Add Media” at the bottom of the page.Tap “Upload files”.Select the file(s) you want to add as slides to your VoiceThread.Confirm.

How do I share my VoiceThread presentation?

On the Secure tabClick “Get a Link” at the bottom of the window.Check the boxes to allow anyone to view and comment if you'd like anyone to be able to access this VoiceThread. ... Highlight the share link and copy it to your computer's clipboard so that you can paste it into the desired location.Click “Done”.

How do I send VoiceThread via email?

Tap the yellow “Share” button in the bottom-right corner. Select the level of permission you want to give to your selected contacts, check the box if you'd like to notify those recipients via email, then tap “Share” to confirm.

How do you copy a VoiceThread link?

Open the VoiceThread. Click on the menu icon in the top-left corner....Copying a VoiceThreadGo to the Edit page for that VoiceThread.Click on the “Options” menu on the right side of the page.Select “Make a Copy” from the menu.Give the copy a unique title and description if you'd like.More items...

Uploading Your Media

Go to the course in Blackboard where your VoiceThread assignment is located.


Now you can use the Commenting Tools to finish your assignment. Hover over your VoiceThread and then click on the chat bubble with the plus (+) sign to expand the tools.


Make sure to make enough comments to meet your instructor’s expectations and then click Submit. Make sure to check if Resubmission is Allowed and note your Due Dates.

What is LTI in Blackboard?

What is LTI? LTI is an abbreviation for Learning Tools Interoperability , which is a standard protocol developed by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. It allows services like VoiceThread to integrate with your Blackboard environment as single-sign-on tools.

Can instructors see student submissions?

Instructors can’t see student submission for grading. The student likely did not click the “Submit Assignment” button after completing his work. The student can simply go back into the assignment and click “Submit Assignment” at a later time. He will not need to re-do his work.
