how to uninstall a coursepack from blackboard

by Heloise Franecki 4 min read

On the Administrator Panel, under Content Management, select Manage Content. Select Advanced Search. Enter your search criteria. In the Search From field, enter /courses. Select Submit to view search results. Locate the course or courses you want to delete.

Full Answer

How do I delete a course in Blackboard Learn?

Feb 20, 2022 · Edit My Courses List Organize Your Blackboard Course List by Semester Students see all Blackboard courses they are enrolled in, for current and past … 9. Remove Old Classes on Blackboard – Students – Oklahoma …

How do I delete a course or Course Folder?

Jan 30, 2020 · Point to a course card menu. Select the extended menu (...) to the right of the star. Select Hide Course. Activity for hidden courses will no longer appears in the global pages. To show a hidden course again, use the filter above the course list and select Hidden from Me.

Should I uninstall or re-image blackboard?

Jan 14, 2019 · Place a check mark next to the file you want to permanently remove from the course and click the Delete at the bottom of the screen. If you get a "List Files and Folders With Links" screen, this means a file you are trying to delete is still linked in the course where students can access (e.g. in Coursework or About this course).

Can I hide or remove a course?

For Blackboard 6 and 6.3. Create your course. If you do not have rights to create your course, ask your administrator to do this for you. Under "Course Utilities,” select "Import Package." Browse to the .zip file you downloaded above. Select "Content," "Announcements," and "Tests, Surveys, and Pools.”. Click "Submit."


Can you delete something off blackboard?

Open a thread in a forum. On the thread's page, point to a post to view the available functions. Select Edit or Delete. The delete action is irreversible.

How do I remove a teacher from Blackboard?

1. Remove from BlackboardOn the Control Panel, expand the Users and Groups section and select Users.On the Users page, access a user's menu.Change the User role from Instructor to Student.Next, select Remove Users From Course.A pop-up window warns you that the action is final. Select OK to delete the user.

How do I remove a course from Blackboard?

In the Control Panel, select Users and Groups, then Users. Your course roster, including all students, instructors and TAs will be listed. Click the down-pointing arrow button to the right of the username (NetID) of the user you wish to remove, then select Remove Users from Course. Click OK to confirm.Aug 11, 2020

How do I delete an attachment on blackboard?

Remove an attachmentFrom Site Manager, find the app you want to edit.Edit the record and find the attachment.Select Remove.Select Yes and Save.

Where is the administrator panel in Blackboard?

Open the Admin Console From the Administrator Panel, under Tools and Utilities, select Admin Console.

How do I delete a preview user in Blackboard?

Delete the preview user and data In the Exit Student Preview window, select Delete the preview user and all data (Recommended). Optionally, select the Do not ask me check box. The course automatically completes your choice each time you exit student preview.

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Before Running The Uninstaller on Unix

  • It is important to close all Blackboard Learn-related sessions that are connected to the Oracle database. Follow these steps to disconnect related sessions: 1. Login as root: su - root 2. Stop all Blackboard Learn services. 3. Terminate database connections by shutting down and restarting Oracle Database Server. -OR- Issue the following SQL command to find connected sessions: SQ…
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Uninstall on A Load-Balanced System

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Nstall Blackboard Learn 9.1 Q2 2016 and Later

  • If the uninstall procedure fails, contact Blackboard Technical Support by logging in to Behind the Blackboard at Follow these instructions to fully uninstall Blackboard Learn. 1. Stop all Blackboard Learn services. 2. Launch the installer Please note that the Q2 2016 installer does not create a persistent bb-installer-log.txt file. As a result, one should …
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Nstall Blackboard Learn 9.1 Q4 2015 and Earlier

  • The Installer and Updater includes two uninstall functions. 1. Uninstallcompletely removes the application files, content files, and the database. 2. Uninstall App Server Only uninstalls only the application files, and leaves the content files and database. Typically, Uninstall App Server Onlyis used as part of the process when uninstalling a load-balanced system. However, it can be usefu…
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