how to switch groups in blackboard collaborate

by Queenie Pfannerstill 6 min read

Switch groups

  • Go to the Attendees tab. From the Collaborate panel, Spacebar or select Attendees to open the Attendees panel.
  • Go the panel to know what groups you can join.
  • Spacebar or select Join [group name].
  • The message “ Moving to: [group name] Your audio and video are being connected to the group. Please wait to speak until...
  • To find focus, Tab to the next button o...

You can't create them ahead of time or save them.
  1. Open the Share Content panel from the Collaborate panel. ...
  2. Select Breakout Groups.
  3. Assign groups. ...
  4. Optionally, select Allow attendees to switch groups, if you want attendees to be able to move to another group on their own.
  5. Select Start.

Full Answer

Can I set up groups in Blackboard Collaborate in advance?

You can expand the panel to reveal the available group tools. If you're enrolled in a group, the panel appears automatically. Group link: You may be able to access your groups in a course area with links to a single group, sign-up sheet, or the Groups page. When you access your group, you see the group homepage.

How do I set up breakout groups in collaborate?

Oct 14, 2021 · Select Assign Groups: Randomly Assign Groups; Choose number of groups. It will display below how many groups and attendees per group. Allow attendees to switch groups if they want On or Off; Shuffle attendees if you want a better or new mix of people. Custom Assign Groups. Custom groups allow you to choose who will go in which group.

What is Blackboard Collaborate in QMUL?

Move to another group. Moderators can move themselves between groups any time. Moderators must give you permission to move yourself to another group. If you can move between groups, open the Attendees panel, select Join group beside the group you want to join.

Can students view the membership of a group in collaborate?

Feb 28, 2022 · February 28, 2022 15:39. Follow. From the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra room, click on course room. Select Join Course Room. Click on Open Collaborate panel. Select Breakout Groups. Click on start to enter the Main Room. Optionally, you can allow attendees to switch groups. Select the Group you want to join.


How do I make multiple groups in Blackboard?

0:277:28Creating Groups in Blackboard - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipClick users and groups to expand its options. Then click the group's link click the heighth courseMoreClick users and groups to expand its options. Then click the group's link click the heighth course menu arrow to increase the viewable area of the group's. Page. You can create groups individually.

How do breakout groups work in collaborate?

Breakout groups are designed for group collaboration. Every attendee in the group is a presenter. This means that all group members can share the whiteboard, files, and applications with the rest of their group. Group chats and content shared are private to the group.

How do I leave a group on blackboard?

If you no longer need a group, open the group's menu and select Delete group. The students in that group are unassigned automatically and appear at the top of the page.

What is a breakout group?

Breakout groups are used as a large group discussion technique designed to increase participation. During a large meeting or workshop, the facilitator may assign the group to work in smaller teams to answer a question or tackle a specific challenge.

How do you pre assign breakout rooms in Blackboard Collaborate?

Inform students to remember Group number. Navigate to Bb Collaborate. Navigate to Breakout Groups in Bb Collaborate....When you are in your live Bb Collaborate session create the Breakout Groups:If not open, select the purple tab to open the Collaborate panel.Navigate to "Share Content".Select "Breakout Groups".Aug 27, 2021

What is the difference between single group and group set in Blackboard?

Faculty can create a Single Group with either manual enroll or a self-enroll option or they can create a Group Set. A Group Set allows for several enrollment options: self-enrollment, manual enrollment or random enrollment. Group members also have access to a variety of collaboration tools that faculty can enable.

How do groups work in Blackboard?

In the group area, all members of a group can create entries for the same blog and build on each entry. All course members can read and comment on a group blog, but they can't make posts unless they are members of the group. Instructors can choose to grade group blogs. All group members receive the same grade.

How do students access groups in Blackboard?

To access the group area, click on the link on the Course Menu. Your instructor may also include a link to the group tool inside your course's content areas (i.e. Learning Modules, Content Folders, etc.). Once you are a member of one or more Groups, they will appear in a panel called My Groups under the Course Menu.

Who decides what communication and collaboration tools are available to your group?

Your instructor chooses which communication and collaboration tools are available to your group. If you want to use a tool but don't find on your group's page, ask your instructor to enable it.

What is a group in a course?

Groups. Instructors can create groups of students within courses. Groups usually consist of a small number of students for study groups or projects . These groups have their own collaboration areas in the course so that they can communicate and share files.

Can you view a group journal in a group?

In the group area, all members of a group can view each other's entries. Only group members and instructors can view a group journal. Instructors can choose to grade group journals. All group members receive the same grade. Group Task. Group members can create tasks for distribution to all group members.

Can you share files with a group?

Exchange files with a group. With file exchange, you can share files with other members of your group, including your instructor. You can't create folders in file exchange. With your group, decide how you want to name files so that they are easier to locate in a long list.

Can you comment on a group blog?

In the group area, all members of a group can create entries for the same blog and build on each entry. All course members can read and comment on a group blog, but they can't make posts unless they are members of the group. Instructors can choose to grade group blogs.

What is a group in a course?

Groups usually consist of a small number of students for study groups or projects. These groups have their own collaboration areas in the course so that they can communicate and share files. Your instructor places you in a group or allows you to select the group you want to join.

What is group work in a class?

Group work. Instructors can create group assignments, tests, and discussions where you can collaborate with other students. Your instructors can also create course groups that are listed in the Details & Actions panel. Your instructor can enroll you in groups or ask you to join groups.

What can participants do in breakout groups?

Once in break out groups, participants become presenters. This means they can:

Creating breakout groups

You create break out groups by clicking on the Share Content icon in the Collaborate panel, and then clicking on Break out groups

Starting the breakout groups

Once you have your groups set up, just press the Start button and all participants will be sent to their groups. It takes a little bit of time for this to happen.

Monitoring and communicating with groups

If you don’t have any co-moderators, the main room is a lonely place when you have started the breakout groups. What if groups get stuck and need to attract your attention? How do you know how they are getting on?

Ending the break out groups

You end the break out groups by clicking on the stop groups button. This will end the break out groups and bring all the participants back into one place. It can take a little time for the breakout rooms to end but you can keep an eye on the attendee list which will show when all the participants are back.

Break out groups and recordings

It is not possible to record break out groups. We recommend that you stop the recording while the break out groups are in progress and restart it after you have ended them.

Tips for using break out groups

Have a focussed task for participants to do in the break out group and ensure participants know what they are going to do in their groups. It can be helpful for a moderator to pop in to each break out group as soon as possible to ensure that participants know what they are doing.

What can you do in breakout groups?

Breakout groups are designed for group collaboration. Every attendee in the group is a presenter. This means that all group members can share the whiteboard, files, and applications with the rest of their group.

Move to another group

Moderators can move themselves between groups any time. Moderators must give you permission to move yourself to another group.

Watch a video about breakout groups

The following un-narrated video provides a visual representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video,

Why is collaborative learning important?

Studies show that when students work as a team, they develop positive attitudes, solve problems more effectively, and experience a greater sense of accomplishment .

Do group sets appear on Ultra Course View?

Groups not part of a group set don' t appear on the Course Groups page. Also, self-enroll signup sheets don't convert.

Random assignment

You can choose the number of groups. How many options you have depends on the number of attendees in the session. Blackboard will distribute attendees based on there being at least two in each group, so if you have four attendees you will only have the option of two groups, with two people in each.

Custom assignment

Custom groups will take longer to set up because, unless you let participants switch groups, you or another moderator will need to drag and drop each participant into the required group. This may be okay for small numbers, but would take a lot of time with a large group.

Renaming groups

Simply click on Group 1, Group 2 etc. in your list of groups and type the new name.

Saving information and ending breakout groups

Breakout groups are temporary structures; once you end breakout groups you will lose the participant lists, the group names and anything that is being shared on screen in the group (for example, whiteboard drawings).

Information for students

Our guide for students has a section on breakout groups which includes instructions for students on how to join a custom group, share files and save their group whiteboard.

Further information for staff

For step-by-step guidance on using Blackboard Collaborate, see our article Delivering webinars: Guides for using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.


Creating and Running Breakout Groups

  • This video demonstrates: 1. How to set up break out groups and start them 2. How moderators can jump between groups 3. How moderators can share files with groups 4. How groups can communicate with moderators if they need them 5. How moderators can communicate with groups 6. How to end the break out groups
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What Can Participants Do in Breakout Groups?

  • Once in break out groups, participants become presenters. This means they can: 1. Share audio/video 2. Share files 3. Share screens 4. Use the whiteboard 5. Use the chat function They can also use the raise hand feature to communicate with session moderators. If the moderator has allowed it, participants may also be able to change groups.
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Creating Breakout Groups

  • You create break out groups by clicking on the Share Content icon in the Collaborate panel, and then clicking on Break out groups There are two ways of creating your break out groups: 1. Random assignment – choose the number of groups you want and Collaborate will randomly allocate participants to groups. If you don’t like the allocation, you can click the Shufflebutton to …
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Starting The Breakout Groups

  • Once you have your groups set up, just press the Startbutton and all participants will be sent to their groups. It takes a little bit of time for this to happen. Let your participants know that you are going to start the break out groups before you press start. Also, make sure your participants know what you are expecting them to do in the break out groups. You can use the share file function t…
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Monitoring and Communicating with Groups

  • If you don’t have any co-moderators, the main room is a lonely place when you have started the breakout groups. What if groups get stuck and need to attract your attention? How do you know how they are getting on? The attendees list in the Collaborate pane gives you an overview of your groups when they are in progress.
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Ending The Break Out Groups

  • You end the break out groups by clicking on the stop groups button. This will end the break out groups and bring all the participants back into one place. It can take a little time for the breakout rooms to end but you can keep an eye on the attendee list which will show when all the participants are back. You can end groups via the button on the attendee list. You can also end …
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Break Out Groups and Recordings

  • It is not possible to record break out groups. We recommend that you stop the recording while the break out groups are in progress and restart it after you have ended them.
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Tips For Using Break Out Groups

  1. Have a focussed task for participants to do in the break out group and ensure participants know what they are going to do in their groups. It can be helpful for a moderator to pop in to each break...
  2. Lots of people may not be familiar with being presenters in Collaborate which is what they will be in their breakout groups. They may need some time to get up to speed with the presenter f…
  1. Have a focussed task for participants to do in the break out group and ensure participants know what they are going to do in their groups. It can be helpful for a moderator to pop in to each break...
  2. Lots of people may not be familiar with being presenters in Collaborate which is what they will be in their breakout groups. They may need some time to get up to speed with the presenter features....
  3. Set a timer when you start the break out groups and give the groups a warning before ending the groups. E.g. for a 10 minute task, give a 1 minute warning
  4. If you have a large cohort, have someone co-moderate the session with you. Random allocation is the easiest way to set up break out groups if you have a large number of particip…