how to speed up playback on blackboard collaborate

by Mr. Lee Daugherty 7 min read

Open the Preferences window: From the Edit menu, click Preferences (Windows). From the Blackboard Collaborate menu, click Preferences (Mac OS X). In the Session section, click Connection. In the Connection Speed drop-down list, select the modem or line speed that your computer uses to connect to Blackboard Collaborate.

When you are watching a lecture recording in Blackboard click the bookmark you've just created. A prompt will ask you to enter the playback speed, 1.5 is entered as the default, but you can enter any decimal number. Press enter or click OK and the playback speed will be immediately applied.Sep 30, 2020

Full Answer

How do you speed up a video on Blackboard Collaborate?

Adds a playback speed button to Blackboard Collaborate recordings.

How to change the Windows Media Player playback speed?

May 16, 2021 · How to Speed Up Lecture Recordings on Blackboard Collaborate? Once you're on the page, click Add to Chrome and you can use it straight away on any videos online, including BB Collaborate recordings. After that, just head over to the recording, and you should see the playback buttons appear on the video.

How to speed up lectures on Blackboard?

Sep 05, 2021 · Blackboard Collaborate Playback Speed / Scrub the speed of recorded … speed label to reset to the default speed – click “>>” to increase speed by 0.25x … 11. Accelerate for Safari 4+ – App Store – Apple


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