how to show a youtube video in blackboard

by Anjali Williamson 4 min read

Part of a video titled Embed a YouTube Video in Blackboard
Course to start go to the youtube video that you want to share with your class. Click on the shareMoreCourse to start go to the youtube video that you want to share with your class. Click on the share button below the bottom right corner of the video.

How to embed a YouTube video in Blackboard?

Feb 27, 2021 · Adding A YouTube Video to Blackboard Adding a YouTube Video. Log into Blackboard and access the content area in which you would like to add a YouTube video... Search for a YouTube Video. You will now see a screen labeled Search for a YouTube Video. ... Selecting Your Video. A list of videos that ...

How do I embed a YouTube video in an assignment?

Embedding your YouTube Video into Blackboard. First, record your videos using your computer’s webcam, your smartphone, or a screencasting program such as Screencast-O-Matic. Next, upload the video file to your YouTube channel and copy the video’s URL.

How do I add a YouTube video to my course?

How to embed a YouTube video in blackboard: 1. Log into Blackboard and open up the destination where you will be embedding your YouTube video. 2. In the tool bar you will click on the YouTube icon. 3. A small window will appear, click …

How do I search for a YouTube video?

Jul 17, 2015 · This quick video shows you how to embed an entire or just a portion of a YouTube video into your Blackboard site.This demo shows Blackboard 9.1 April 2014 Re...


How to make a YouTube video with captions?

Next, upload the video file to your YouTube channel and copy the video’s URL. Note: If you are in the “Creator Studio” because you added captions, do not use the URL listed on the video’s edit page.

How to embed a video in Blackboard?

Then, go to the content area in your Blackboard course where you would like to embed the video. Click on the “Insert/ Edit Embedded Media” button in the text editor. In the window that pops up, paste the URL for your video.

How to upload a video to YouTube?

To upload a video to YouTube: 1. Log into your google account using your FHSU email. 2. Click on the menu button and click on the more tab found at the bottom of the menu. 3. You then will click on the YouTube icon which will redirect you to the YouTube page. 4.

Does Fort Hays have a YouTube account?

Every Fort Hays State faculty/student with an FHSU email has access to an account in YouTube. YouTube is very resourceful tool in Blackboard as you can upload a video to YouTube and add it to your course. You can embed YouTube Videos into assignments, discussion boards, blogs, etc.
