how to share content on blackboard

by Amely Bergstrom Jr. 6 min read

Share audio and video streams and files
  1. From a Chrome browser, open the Collaborate panel and select the Share Content tab.
  2. Select Share Application/Screen.
  3. Select the Chrome Tab option. ...
  4. Select the Share audio check box.
  5. Choose the tab you want to share from the list.
  6. Select Share.

How do I share content in Blackboard Collaborate?

Find the Share Content panel From the Collaborate panel, go to the Share Content tab panel. Spacebar or select Share Content tab panel to open. Find the Share Content heading with keyboard shortcuts, the Tab key, or visually. Continue to navigate the panel to find the following features: Primary ...

How to share a blank whiteboard in Microsoft Teams?

Aug 31, 2021 · 1. Share Content in Blackboard Collaborate Sessions. Share audio and video streams and files · From a Chrome browser, open the Collaborate panel and select the Share Content tab. · Select Share Application/Screen. 2. Share Content – …

How do you show presentations on Blackboard ultra?

Go to Blackboard and select the class you wish to share the course with. Using the tabs on your module page, select the type of assignment you wish the course to show up as, and this will prompt you to make the assignment. Click the Insert File button in the “Instructions” section and select Source URL.

What is the difference between whiteboard and application sharing?

Feb 27, 2021 · Instructors can also add content files into courses by choosing "Browse Content Collection" anywhere they can upload in a course. To grant sharing Permissions: Step 1. On the left menu choose Tools > Content Collection and find the folder/file you want to share. Click the Permissions icon. Step 2. Choose who you want to give access to.


Why can't I share my screen on blackboard?

Click on the Privacy Tab and locate Screen Sharing on the left. Check the checkbox to allow Google Chrome or Firefox to share your screen. More information about this issue can be found at this link. You may need to reload your Collaborate session for the change to take effect.Sep 12, 2020

How do I share a document on Blackboard Collaborate?

Sharing a FileClick on the purple tab at the bottom right of the session screen to open the “Collaborate Menu.”Click the third icon from the left to open the “Share Content” page.Click Share Files.Drag the file you wish to share into the box or you can click on the box to insert the file.More items...•Dec 7, 2017

How can students share files on blackboard?

Share a folder with a course group In the Select Specific Users By Place menu, select Course Group (or Organization Group if the group belongs to an organization). The page displays all course groups in which you are enrolled. Use the check boxes to select the group or groups to share the folder.

How do I download a shared file on blackboard?

Option II. Downloading a File from Content CollectionGo to Control Panel.Click Content Collection.Click the Course link (the first link).Click on the grey-action link beside the file to be downloaded.Select Download Package.Click Save in the pop up dialog box. The file will be downloaded to the selected folder.

Can you see everyone on Blackboard Collaborate?

Open the Attendees list to view all attendees. Open the Collaborate panel and select Attendees. At-a-glance you see: The roles of each attendee.

How do I allow students to upload to Blackboard?

Select Browse My Computer to upload a file from your computer. Drag files from your computer to the "hot spot" in the Attach Files area. If your browser allows, you can also drag a folder of files. The files will upload individually.

Can students upload to Blackboard?

The upload assignment tool allows you to view and submit assignment attachments online. This tool can be placed in any content area in Blackboard, but many instructors will use this tool in the Assignment area of their Blackboard site. Select Assignments from your course menu.

Add Files

Go to the Select to add image, PowerPoint, or PDF files button, visually displayed as Add Files.

File options

Annotations aren't accessible to screen reader users without a person providing real-time explanation of what is appearing on the screen.

Step 1

On the left menu choose Tools > Content Collection and find the folder/file you want to share. Click the Permissions icon.

Step 2

Choose who you want to give access to. You can choose a specific person, a course or organization, a type of user, or make the item public ("Permit Anyone").

Step 3

Tell the person you are sharing with how to navigate to the item or folder in the Content Collection, or get the link to send to the person. To get the link, hover over the item or folder name, click the arrow, and choose 360 View. Copy the Permanent URL.

Why are bookmarks useful?

This tool is helpful when you have access to a nested folder because the Find Folder tool doesn't return nested folders.

What is content collection?

The Content Collection contains many tools to share and search for content. These options depend on the level of the shared folder. For example, the permissions you set on a top-level folder versus a sub-folder affect the search tools that are available to those users.

What happens when you open a content collection?

When users open the Content Collection, they are presented with their user folder and the folders for courses and organizations they are enrolled in . You can toggle between Show All Folders and Show Enrolled Folders to filter the display between the folders to make finding content easier.

What is the Find Folder option?

The Find Folder option allows you to search for top-level folders for which you have permissions. For example, if another user has granted you read permission for their username folder, this could show up in searches using Find Folder. You can also add the folder to your Content Collection menu, making it easy to access the folder on a regular basis.

What is a "go to location"?

Go to Location lets you go directly to a specific folder that has been shared with you in the Content Collection. This time-saver allows users to enter the path to open the folder and bookmark it at the same time.

What is workflow model?

Workflows. If a user is expected to take action or respond to an item, it can be helpful to send a workflow model with the item. When you create a workflow model, you select users to share the item with and grant them permissions to do so.

What is a portfolio in a course?

Portfolios allow you to collect and organize files into custom web pages. You can present these portfolios to individuals and groups of users outside of your courses. It is important to consider the selected permissions for files linked in a portfolio. If another user has permissions—other than read—to a file that is linked to a portfolio, the file may be edited or deleted, resulting in issues for the portfolio users.
