how to set up iclicker on blackboard

by Dr. Elroy Ferry MD 10 min read

Configure your iClicker software

  • Open course settings
  • Select course in the "Gradebook" tab
  • Log in to Blackboard
  • Select Blackboard course to add to Gradebook
  • (Optional) Sync remote registrations from LMS only
  • (Optional) Change the way zeros and absences are uploaded to Blackboard

which you want to synchronize the grades to Blackboard • Go to and sign into your online iClicker instructor account. Make sure to select the Gradebook tab, then click Sync Grades. indicates that the student has used the iClicker link within your Blackboard course.

Full Answer

How do I get Started as an iClicker instructor?

Nov 13, 2020 · To enable iClicker in Blackboard in your course go to Control Panel > Customization > Tool Availability. Step 8. Check off boxes next to iClicker Instructor Resources and iClicker Student Resources. Step 9. Select Submit. Step 10. You must obtain the security key from Blackboard to enter into the iClicker software.

How do I Register my iClicker remote for a class?

Jul 01, 2021 · Click iClicker Instructor Tools at the bottom of the Course Tools list. 5. Click on the SSO Security Key link. 6. Your Blackboard Username and Security Key will be … 2. iClicker and Blackboard Integration Instructions – Information …

What is iClicker classic and how does it work?

Sep 06, 2021 · Locating your i>clicker SSO Key. 1. Login to Blackboard Learn and open any of your courses from your My Courses … 8. How To Add A Clicker To Blackboard – BlackboardHub.Com. Adding TurningPoint Access in Your Course | Blackboard … … Blackboard Clicker Set Up For Students – Ole Miss. 9.

How long does it take to get started with iClicker Cloud/Classic?

May 29, 2021 · Click iClicker Instructor Tools at the bottom of the Course Tools list. 5. Click on the SSO Security Key link. 6. Your Blackboard Username and Security Key will be … 2. iClicker and Blackboard Integration Instructions – Information …


How do you use iClicker in class?

Double-click the iClicker icon to start the program. ... Select the desired course from the list of available courses. ... Click Start Session in the centre of the screen. ... Click Start on the toolbar.You will see a timer and a counter.More items...

How do I sync my iClicker?

Sync your roster from Canvas to iClicker CloudNavigate to the "People" section of your course and click the "Sync Roster" button on the "Students" page to initiate the roster sync. ... When roster sync is complete, a confirmation message is shown.Sep 18, 2021

How do I connect my iClicker to my computer?

Getting Started with iClicker Cloud for WindowsInstall the Application. Double-click the downloaded MSI file and follow the setup directions to install the iClicker Cloud software on your computer. ... Create an Account. ... Create a Course. ... Start a Session. ... Start a Poll. ... Respond Using Another Device.

How do I setup my iClicker base?

Connect the iClicker base to the computer using the white USB cable. Then connect the USB data stick to the iClicker Base. Open the corresponding drive that contains the iClicker folder. Run the iClicker application file (highlighted above) • Click on “+ Create” to create your course.

Is iClicker free?

There's an iClicker app? In short, yes. Download it for Android and iOS now. ... It's completely free and turns your smartphone, tablet, or iPod touch into an iClicker.Sep 12, 2016

Why isn't my iClicker working?

Try to install the latest version of iClicker Student through the app store (in case your phone isn't set to automatically update apps), or try deleting/uninstalling the app and reinstalling it. Log out of the iClicker student app and log back in again. Restart your phone or computer. Try clearing your cache.Jun 21, 2021

Do schools still use Iclickers?

A: No. We have no plans to discontinue the iClicker remotes. Students can choose to participate with iClicker remotes, mobile devices or laptops.

How much are clickers for college?

The clickers cost around $25 each, and in most cases the students purchase them along with their books. But since there are several programs available, mostly offered by text book publishers, one clicker will not necessarily fit all.Jan 7, 2006

Do Iclickers work from home?

Meet our new Assignments feature. Whether you're delivering courses online, at a scheduled class time or even completely asynchronously, iClicker has you covered.

Why does my iClicker says no base?

Make sure that you are set to the same frequency that your instructor is using. This is the most common cause of the "No base" message. The instructions are on the back of your remote. Note: You can only change your frequency once a session has begun.

Do I need the physical iClicker?

When an instructor opts to have students use physical remotes, the iClicker base is required. The iClicker base is a true plug-and-play device, making it simple to use.

Do you need a remote to use iClicker?

Q: Do I need an iClicker base if my students are using mobile devices or laptops? A: No. You do not need an iClicker base if all of your students are participating using mobile devices or laptops and you are not using the iClicker instructor remote.

How to Link iClicker Information to a Blackboard Course

Note: George Mason University does not centrally recommend or support any specific response/clicker system.

Hardware & Software Requirements

The instructor must have an iClicker base, at least one instructor iClicker and iClicker software (either on a flash drive or installed on a laptop).

Can you review a student remote registration?

You can review a report of your student remote registration information using the iClicker Instructor Tools. The registration information can be searched, sorted, and filtered. Students without a registered remote can be easily sent an email reminder to register.

Can you import a student roster into iClicker?

You can import your student roster (complete with registration data) into iClicker so polling data can be credited to your students. It is recommended that you Sync Roster after drop/add periods are over in order to keep your roster up-to-date.
