how to set up cwi blackboard

by Jo Howe 8 min read

Steps-to-Take: 1. Go to 2. You’ll be presented with a screen that asks for your Username and Password. 3.Your username and password will …

Using an Internet browser, go to the CWI Blackboard site at
  1. Use your CWI email address (e.g., [email protected]).
  2. Enter your custom account password.

Full Answer

How do I log into my CWI account on Blackboard?

College of Western Idaho P.O. Box 3010, Nampa, ID 83653 Mail Stop Addresses for CWI Locations > Physical Address: Nampa Campus Academic Building 5500 E. Opportunity Dr. Nampa, ID 83687 (no mail accepted)

How do I access my CWI email after graduation?

How do I change my password for PCs, Blackboard, & e-mail? There are two ways to change your password. Log onto a CWI domain computer with your current username and password. Once logged on, press CTRL+ALT+DEL. In the Windows Security window, click.

How do I log in to mycwi using my Office 365 ID?

Mar 01, 2022 · Cwi Blackboard Login. an instructional video about accessing college of western idaho's student online advising and registration (soar) completion recorded with screencast o matic . video tutorial for cccc students on "how to login to their blackboard account."

What do I do if I cannot log on to Blackboard?

1. Go to 2. You’ll be presented with a screen that asks for your Username and Password. 3.Your username and password will be the same as what you use to access your MyCWI account and your student email account. For your username; enter your first and last name in all lowercase letters with no spaces.


How do I create a CWI account?

Using an Internet browser, go to: your full email address in the format of [email protected] and your custom password, and then click Sign in.The first time you log on, you will be prompted for account configuration options. Set these options appropriately, and then continue.

How do I find my student ID for CWI?

Click on Box two “Plan Your Degree and Register for Classes.” On the left hand side choose “User Options.” Then choose “user profile.” There you will find your Student ID number. The "About You" page will show your Colleague ID which is the same as your Student ID.

How do I log into CWI?

To access your myCWI account: Go to MyCWI. Username: In most cases, your e-mail address will be your [email protected] (ex. [email protected]).

How do I access my CWI email?

Temporary Access to Student Email Go to For your Microsoft Office 365 ID, enter your CWI email address (Example: [email protected]) with no spaces and all in lowercase. For your password, enter the same password you use to logon to myCWI and Blackboard.

Where can I find my Eduid?

Your EDUID # can be obtained from your high school guidance counselor if you have attended public school in Idaho after 2010. If you do not have an EDUID #, contact the registrar at your community college and they will issue you one.

Where is my student ID number?

Most of the time, your student ID can be found on your card. Locate a billing statement. Schools list student identification numbers on this document for financial records and verification. Typically, it is located on the top, left or right-hand of the statement.May 17, 2019

How do I get my unofficial transcript from CWI?

How to view your unofficial transcriptClick on “My Toolkit,” then “My Toolkit for Students.”Click on “Plan & Register.”Click on “Plan & Register” again.Click on “Transcript.”Once you arrive at the Self-Service screen in Student Planning, click on “Academics.”Click on “Unofficial Transcript.”More items...

How do I send my transcripts to CWI?

CWI will also accept faxed high school transcripts as official if they are faxed directly to 888.562. 3216 from the school with cover letter/letterhead, have “official” clearly marked on the transcript and have an official school signature/stamp on the transcript.

How do I reset my CWI password?

Log onto a CWI domain computer with your current username and password.Once logged on, press CTRL+ALT+DEL.In the Windows Security window, click Change Password.In the Change Password window, in the Old Password box, type the password you are currently using.More items...

What's my username and password?

Each student will have one username and password to access campus computers, Blackboard, and student email. The initial password is temporary, you MUST change your initial password before you can access Blackboard or student email. The account is as follows:

Where can I get technical help?

Visit the online help desk for help with access, wireless, Blackboard, myCWI, e-mail, computer labs and more or call 208.562.3444.

How long will it take for my order to be ready?

Please allow 48 hours for us to process your order (this does not include shipping). Generally shipments in the Treasure Valley arrive the next day.

I never received a confirmation email - what do I do?

Please log back into your bookstore account and make sure your email is correct. If your email is displayed correctly, please check your spam folder. If you still do not see a confirmation, please contact us to ensure the order went through by calling 208.562.2401 ...

Is my included course book digital or physical? How do I receive it?

Please view the Included Course Book List to find your course and whether your book will be a physical or digital copy.

Why are my books not showing up on the website?

If you are not seeing the books for your course, we are waiting on further information from your instructor. Please check back for updates.

What is myCWI?

MyCWI is a secure website accessible by students, faculty, and staff of College of Western Idaho to share important information relevant to nearly all college information and transactions a student needs to be successful.

What Can I Expect?

MyCWI is the equivalent of a one-stop resource for CWI students, faculty, and staff to share information and complete nearly all tasks associated with enrollment. MyCWI is your eToolkit for a successful college experience at CWI and a gateway to resources.

Benefits of using wikis

Wikis can help course members build a shared repository of knowledge. As the knowledge base grows over time, you can expect the wiki to have some degree of seriousness and permanence.

When should you use wikis?

You can use wikis as course content or graded assignments for these types of activities:

Create a wiki topic

To get started, you need to create a wiki topic in your course. Your students and other course members can add pages to that topic.

Wiki topic page

A wiki topic page is the home page where all other wiki pages are collected. The home page is automatically displayed first when a student visits the wiki.

Wikis listing page

After you create a wiki, the wiki topics appear in alphabetical order on the Wikis listing page. Select a column title to sort the contents.

Wiki pages

Each newly created course or group wiki requires a home page. When you access a new wiki topic for the first time, you're prompted to create a home page. The home page always appears first in the wiki page list and the content appears when someone navigates to the wiki. Because the home page is first, you may want to add instructions here.

Watch a video about wiki pages

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory |representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video,
