how to set up a session in blackboard collaborate ultra

by Dr. Genesis Heller III 9 min read

  • Entering the Collaborate Ultra Portal. Entering the Collaborate Ultra Portal within your course site depends on where you created a link to it - either in 1) the Course Menu ...
  • Creating a New Session. To create a session, click the Create Session button on the left. ...
  • Session Settings. Click on the Session Settings tab to modify the session settings. ...
  • Session Attendance Reporting. In order to use the attendance reporting feature, an end date must be specified in the session parameters.
  • Creating the Session. Once all options have been set, click the Create button at the bottom of the panel. ...

ULTRA: Add sessions to course content
  1. From the More options for Collaborate menu, select Manage all sessions.
  2. Find the session you want and open the Session options menu.
  3. Copy the session guest link.
  4. From your Course Content, select Add.
  5. Select Create and select Link.

Full Answer

How do I add Blackboard Collaborate sessions to my course?

Oct 10, 2021 · Blackboard Collaborate Ultra – Creating a Session. Teaching Resource Center. [email protected] Broome 12. Blackboard Collaborate: Set up scheduled sessions. Go to Control Panel > Course Tools > Collaborate Ultra. The …

What is a link in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra?

May 11, 2021 · Go to the Control Panel of your Blackboard course. Click Course Tools and select Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. Click Create Session. Type a meaningful name for … 10. Faculty Guide: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra – Creating a …

How do I use the course room guest link on Blackboard?

You can set up your session to support up to 500 attendees. From the session's settings, select Allow 250+ attendees to join before the session begins. If you don't see this large scale session option, it may not be available in your integration. Your administrator can set this for you. This option makes the session a webinar that supports up to 500 attendees.

What are the session settings in Blackboard Learn?


How do I schedule a session on Blackboard Collaborate?

If you are using the Blackboard Collaborate tool, go to Blackboard Collaborate in Course Tools. Use the date restriction options in Add Link to Course to add sessions to your course. Choose when and how long you want the session to appear in a content area. Add reminders for your sessions so nobody misses them.

How do I invite students to Blackboard Collaborate Ultra?

Everyone enrolled the course has access to the session....InvitationFrom Invitations select the Invitation Options menu.Select Invite Attendee.Type the name and email of the attendee.Select the role you want to give them.Select Add To Session.

How do I create a link in Blackboard Collaborate?

To add a link to Blackboard Collaborate Ultra on your course menu: Click the plus sign at the top, left of the screen, and select Tool Link from the resulting menu. This will open the Add Tool Link window, where you set the name, type, and availability of the link you'll be adding to the course menu.

How do I make a private session on Blackboard Collaborate?

Navigate to the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool (it can be accessed through Other Bb Tools). Click on Create Session....Tell MeDisplay their profile picture.Draw or write on the session whiteboard.Post a chat message.Share their audio or video with session participants.Jan 11, 2012

How do I create a session link in Blackboard?

To obtain a guest link for a session:Click on the button with the three dots to the right of the course room or the session link.Click on the Copy Guest Link option in the menu.The Guest Link URL will appear on screen.Oct 24, 2020

How do I invite guests to Blackboard Collaborate?

Blackboard Collaborate: Invite Guests to a sessionFor the main Course Room. To find the Guest Link for the Course Room, click on the Course Room Options button, then click Get guest link.For a scheduled Session. ... Copy the Guest Link to use in an email.Aug 1, 2018

What is a Blackboard Collaborate session?

Blackboard Collaborate is a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact with students. Collaborate with the Ultra experience opens right in your browser, so you don't have to install any additional software to join a session.

How do I share collaborate ultra link?

Go into whichever course you want to share the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Recording. Decide where you want to share, and once in the content area, select Build Content from the top of the page. Then, select Web Link.

How do you make someone a moderator on Blackboard Collaborate?

Promote all attendees You can also have all attendees join as presenters or moderators. From the list of Sessions, find a session. Select Session options and Edit settings. Select Presenter or Moderator in the Guest Role menu.

What is the session limit for telephony participants in a Blackboard Collaborate session?

250 attendeesCollaborate sessions support 250 attendees at a time. Administrators can turn on webinar mode to support large scale sessions of up to 500 attendees. If you invite more attendees than the session supports, not everybody invited will be able to join.

How do you see everyone in collaborate Ultra?

Select the “Attendees” Icon from the Collaborate Panel to view the all of the participants in the session. Attendees have microphone and camera settings in the same location as your own (at the bottom of the screen).

Who joins a session as a participant?

By default, everyone joins the session as a participant. Session owners and course instructor join as a moderators. Use the Default Attendee Role menu to change the default for guests and students.

What is session settings?

Session Settings lets you control what you want to allow in your session. Some settings you need to set before the session begins. Other settings you can change any time before or during the session.

How to change settings in a session?

If you want to change settings during a session, open the Collaborate panel, select My Settings, and open Session Settings. Only show moderator profile pictures. Gallery view. Participant permissions.

What is a guest link?

When you allow guest access, a guest link is available for the session. This link is a public link that can be used and shared by anyone who has it.

How many attendees can you see on a gallery view?

Gallery view lets you see the most students at one time. With this view you can see up to 25 attendees on a page. 25 is the optimum number of videos you can show on a page and still see enough detail for visual non-verbal feedback.

Can you chat privately with moderators?

Private chat between attendees is on by default but you can limit how it's used. Participants can only chat with moderators: When selected, participants can only chat privately with moderators. If you don't select it, participants can chat privately with any body else in the session.

What happens if someone uses inappropriate words in the chat?

If someone uses inappropriate words in the chat, those words can be filtered out in both the live session and the recording. The words are replaced with a series of stars.
